Procuring Resources


In dental practice procurement of valuable resources is important process in which the authentic as well as relevant resources on dental practice are collected from genuine source. Though procuring valuable as well as relevant resources, dental practitioners as well dental professionals can conduct an evidence-based practice in terms of maintaining consistent innovation and research in overall dental study. This report is going to discuss the types of resources that are needed to be searched by dental practitioners while dealing with any surgical process. Additionally, the report will also discuss the process of acquiring valuable resources in dental practice with mentioning the issues that can be faced by the dental practitioner in terms of finding out the resources. For those involved in healthcare research, including dental practice, accessing healthcare dissertation help can be crucial. Finally, the report will explain t roles of practice mangers in term of procuring resources for dental practice in assisting practitioners to get valuable resources that ca be used in dental practices to bring about innovation as well as modernisation in overall techniques in dental practice.

argued that sometimes interview cannot provide the authentic database as the interviewee do not provide the authentic database always which interfere with the transparency of the research. In thus context, survey and field work are the two important primary data collection process in which dental practitioners can collect information directly from the respondents in the field. The data are then analysed with using probability values and graphical representation, why assist dental researchers to analyse the authentication as well as justification of the database.

Secondary resources are the most important and easy technique of collecting data than that of primary data collection. The example of secondary resources that can be procured by dental practitioners for their practice are articles, journals, text books dictionaries, magazines, government records and encyclopaedias. As mentioned by Bhat and Ganaie (2016), secondary resources generally discus abut et primary researcher in which primary database are analysed and evaluated with using proper evidences. In dental practices, secondary resources will assist the practitioners as well as practice manages to get evidence based database regarding the dental processes, that will not only enhance the overall knowledge of the researcher on the dental process a but also clear their perception about the surgeries as well as clinical techniques used in the dental practices.

Tertiary resources are generally summary of the primary and the secondary resources Das et al. (2018), through collecting tertiary resources the dental practitioner will be able to use both the primary and secondary resources in the research which will save their times as well as effort. Dental practitioners can use different tertiary resources such as encyclopaedia, almanacs, dictionaries, fact books and handbooks. There are additional tertiary resources that also can be used by the dental practitioners such as indexes, online indexes and abstracts that assist dental practitioner to collect the prime database primary and secondary resources thar makes the overall procurement of resources in dental practices faster than that of using other two types of resources


Ways of acquiring the resources:

During searching value resources, dental practitioners can face several issues such as shortage of fund, time imitation, lack of support from the practice mangers and less availability of primary as well as secondary database. Here in the study, the dental practitioner faces shortage of fund while procuring relevant resources for dental study. As mentioned by Jacob and Kaushik (2017), fund shortage is one of the crucial as well as common issue that majority of the resources faced in the dental practice. While dealing with this financial issue, the dental practitioner needs to focus on developing effective strategies that will be relevant with the condition faced by practitioners. Here first , the dental practitioners needs to make the estimated cost of procuring valuable resources from primary , secondary and tertiary resources, then the dental practitioners will conduct the proper cost analysis with help of the co-workers and the head dentist, which will assist the team to understand as well as determine the areas in which they can reduce the cost to balance the overall spending in this resources procurement process. As mentioned by Kumar (2016), conducting proper cost analysis process is one of the most effectives and essential techniques that every researcher needs to use while facing shortage of fund. This cost analysis process will assist the dental practitioners to highlight the sources that are crucial for conducting the research. In the next step, dental practitioners will analyse that how many secondary resources such as magazines, journals and articles are there that cannot be freely accessed as accessing these paid resources can enhance the overall cost of the dental research. In this context, the dental practitioners would take support from head dentist as well as from practice mangers in terms of searching Google Scholar and Science Direct for choosing free resources that are relevant to the study ad download these. In his context Jacob and Kaushik (2017) argued that, for dealing with fund shortage in research it is not sufficient to reduce the expenditure in accessing the secondary resources, rather than practitioners also need to focus on reducing the overall expenditure in conducting the primary researches. Here the dental practitioner can reduce the overall cost of the research by reducing the number of respondents in the survey and number of dental professional while conducting the interview. I addition to this, to save money, the o dental practitioner can conduct the online interview and survey which will assist the dental practitioner and the team members to make direct connection with the respondents as well as with the professionals through using internet, that will not only save money but also the time of researchers. In the contrary Gohain et al. (2019) argued that sometimes online interview ad survey cannot provide the opportunities to the researchers to collect the authentic information, as very limited time are provided to respondent as well as interviewee to express their viewpoint. In addition to this, dental practitioner can also face network issues while communicating with respondent residing in interior area will interfere with the authenticity and relevance of collected database. Therefore, it can be stated that, dental practitioners need to use the above-mentioned strategy of managing expenditure in research in such manner that will assist them o conduct the research with maintaining proper integrity and authenticity. . .

How to deal with the issues arising the searching resources in the dental practices:

In the study by Kaufman et al. (2016), it is mentioned that people from multi-ethnic and black communities in the UK suffer from negative psychological conditions such as lack of identity, ambiguity and lack of normal reception in the society. This is because they are found regarded not to fit the proper categories of white individuals and their communities. It leads the ethnic individuals to face isolation and alienation in the society making them develop increased stress and anxiety along with failure to progress in life. This makes them develop substance abuse such as smoking to get relief and overcome psychological distress being suffered due to inappropriate treatment in society (Keith et al. 2016). As criticised by Tabb et al. (2020), smoking is regarded in few ethnic communities as the way to develop social communication. This indicates that the customs among the ethnic communities regarding smoking makes the individuals show greater prevalence regarding substance abuse. The men are found to be involved in smoking because they try to use tobacco as the way to overcome their deteriorated emotions and frustrations in life (McNeill and Robson, 2018). The fact is evident as nicotine present in the tobacco is found to provide sense of relaxation to the brain along with lower anxiety and stress by promoting the release of dopamine which the hormone released to happiness feeling among individuals (Srinivasan et al. 2016). The women are found to be involved in smoking because they try to overcome stress and anxiety regarding family management, hindered relationship with the spouse during divorce, loneliness and others (Liu et al. 2017). In the study by Hult et al. (2018), it is mentioned that unemployed people are more involved in smoking activities compared to employed individuals to cope psychological distress out of unstable future. This is evident as unemployed people experience depression, stress and anxiety regarding their ability to develop proper status and have finances to support their and family needs at the present as well as in future. The young people are more likely to smoke tobacco due to varied reason such as peer influence, experimentation, stress and others. The study by Rozi et al. (2016) informs that influence from peers and friends makes young people involved in smoking. This is because they avoid being humiliated in society and get accepted among the groups in the society the young people initiate to smoke. The peers also influence young people to smoke for experimentation mentioning they are not going to develop addiction which later makes the young people avoid having intention to quit smoking (Idris et al. 2016). The young people mention they are involved in smoking to overcome stress and anxiety regarding their unstable future, hindered career development, pressure from academics and others (Idris et al. 2016). (Refer to Appendix 1)

Explaining roles of manager in procurement of resources:

Practice manger plats important in acquiring of relevant resources inn dental practice, as mentioned by the practice manger works as team leader of the team of dental practitioners and directs them in proper manner in terms of collecting the relevant resources. Here the practice manger will play important role in collecting primary and secondary database for the research study. While collecting the primary resources the practice manger will arrange the venue and time of the interview by commutating with the dental health professional who are going to be interviewed. In terms of conducting successful survey, the practice manager will assist the team members to select respondents in such a manner that will assist overall research to gather the authentic database. In addition to this, the practice manage will conduct the cost analysis of the entire research in terms of analysing the overall estimated cost for conducting the research. As mentioned by Obiamalu et al. (2018.) Practice managers in dental study, is associated with estimating the overall cost of the research which assists team members to make a plan of spending in each step of this research. In addition to this, the practice manger is associated with analysing and evaluating the authenticity and relevance of primary and secondary database that are collected by the dental practitioners from different resources, to assure the success of this research. The practice manager in dental study will also focus on maintaining ethical and moral framework in dental practice and research process.


From the above-mentioned discussion it can be concluded that, while conducting any research in dental field it is important to use the relevant as well as valuable resources. There are three types of resources that can be used by dental practitioner in the study such as primary, secondary and tertiary resources. Primary resources that can be used by dental practitioner in etb dental study are speeches, letters, survey, interview, field work and photographs. On the other hand, secondary researchers are articles, journals and text books, the tertiary resources are encyclopaedia, abstract and online index. While acquiring these resources the dental practitioners need to use systematic and scientific process to maintain all ethical consideration that are associated with procurement of resources. In addition to this, while procuring the resources the dental practitioners can face several issues such as time limitation and financial issues. Inn dealing with these issues, the dental practitioners need to make proper cost analysis strategy which assist the researchers to reduce overall, cost of the entire dental research. Finally, the discussion also concludes that practice mangers on dental research play important roles in assisting team members to meet research objectives.

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Reference list:

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