Professional Principles and Values in Health

P3 Demonstrating active, on-going, critical reflection of learning

Health and social care service is a critical task, where engagement of all the stakeholders including the doctors, nurses, general physicians, surgeons, psychiatrics and other health and social workers are necessary to be involved with each other for working as a partnership working practice and improve the quality of the health and social care services for the benefits of the patients. The reflective assessment in the health and social care is beneficial as it provides a scope to the individual working in the health care institution to engage in learning and review own skill and abilities for further knowledge gathering and skill improvement. Through this essay, it is also possible for the health care providers to identify own weaknesses and further learning opportunities to develop personal and professional skill for better management. Hence, the reflective practice is effective for maximising the health care standards, where the health care professional is able to reflect upon own skill and abilities as well as analyse own weakens for developing further action plan in order to achieve the future success. The portfolio reflection is conducted by different health and social care themes, on which the practices of the care givers depend in order to improve the wellbeing of the individuals. The major motive of the care workers is to maximise the standard of living of the individuals by mitigating their health issues so that they can live a healthy life. There are six themes which are involved with the continuous personal and professional development to ensure quality health and social care outcomes for the benefits of the patients. For those needing guidance in these areas, healthcare dissertation help can offer valuable support in analysing and enhancing reflective practices.


Theme 1: Law, Regulation and Ethical Practice

The first theme in the health and social care practice is the law, regulations and ethical practice which are mandatory to maintain professionalism in the care settings. The major duties of each staff and the job roles and responsibilities are clearly declared with the care givers, so that they can understand their responsibilities in the institution (Checkland et al., 2018). The ethical principle of providing good personal and professional development to the staff through teaching is also mandatory for improving the quality of care. Data collection and patient involvement for diagnosis and developing care plan are also required, as well as the legislation Data protection Act 1998 is mandatory to maintain confidentiality of the data an gathered information. Additionally, the equality and diversity is managed well to ensure ethical practice in the care setting through Equality Act 2010 and other non-discrimination policies in the workplace (Allsop, 2018). The quality of supervisions and the practice of case management are monitored ion a daily basis, so that it would be possible to provide high quality care and efficient treatment to help the patient for overcoming their health difficulties. The employment act, minimum wage practice as well as the Health and Social care at Workplace Act 1972 are also effective to protect the staff members and provide them safe workplace to work with safety and security. On the other hand, there is Health and social care Act 2012 and Mental Capacity Act 2005, which support good quality of care for the patients (Allsop, 2018).

In own practice, as a nursing staff at National Health service (NHS), I try to follow the ethical principles and legislative structure to work with others and manage patient care efficiently. I follow my job role and responsibilities which are to cooperate with the patients, monitor the individual time to time, provide patient update to the senior health care team, maintain dietary chart, supervise and control, maintain infection and look the other safety measures at the workplace and providing time to time medications. Additionally, I follow the internal ethical practice of managing cultural diversity and equality, respect and integrity for others, maintaining transparency and accountability as well as team work practice. I always try to cooperate with others and seek advice for working efficiently to treat the patient with the latest prescribed treatment and equipment so that the individual would be able to overcome their difficulties and lead a normal life.

Theme 2: Professional values, attitudes and behaviour in health and social care practice

In the health and social care, the professional values, behaviour towards others and attitudes are mandatory to develop a good team to support the patient efficiently. Promoting positive workplace, through maintaining positive body language, friendly relationship, following the workplace ethics and maintaining good attitude towards others (Coates and Mofidi, 2019). The staff member including health care professionals, social workers and nurses and others work as a team with cooperation and positive body language. All the health care workers try to communicate with each other purposefully (Robson et al., 2017). There are verbal and non-verbal communication practice in the workplace, which further provides a scope to the care givers to interact with each other and share necessary information, seek support and advice to develop good care plan collaboratively. The friendly atmosphere and good behaviours are also helpful to support personal development of self and others. The positive boy language interpersonal skill with positive attitude is also fruitful for the health care workers to support the care users and create values for them. In my care setting, the NHS staff and other care workers are cooperative with each other and the senior health care manager is able to create values for the whole team to retain us and motivate us continuously to work efficiently by utilising latest health care equipment and treatment facilities for increasing wellbeing of the individuals. Commitment towards promoting patient centred care as well as utilising the partnership working practice are also ensured in order to work with the stakeholders and develop good care plan for the patient care and management (Coates and Mofidi, 2019). The major challenges in the NHS that I have faced are internal conflicts, misunderstanding, lack of communication and non-cooperation. In such critical situation, I try to interact with others and improve understanding about doing the job roles as a team for supporting the patients with the latest treatment and care. The changed working practice through partnership working shared workplace activities and developing patient centred care, will be helpful for me to resolve the existing challenges and develop good working activities to maximise patient’s wellbeing as a whole by delivering quality treatment and continuous care.

Theme 3: Health, Safety and Safeguarding through the Lifespan and how skills and knowledge

Health and safety as well as safeguarding are also important theme to ensure quality health and social care practice where the care givers try to develop good workplace to support the patient and safeguard the individuals in the society (Stark and Hookway, 2019). The social workers in this regard work collaboratively in NHS in order to support the social communities with treatment and critical support (Maguire et al., 2018). Additionally, the health and safety management through Health and Safety at Workplace Act 1972 is beneficial to provide safe environment to stay healthily and also provides an opportunity to the health care providers to work under security system and safety measures to protect their lives in long run (Pandya-Wood, Barron and Elliott, 2017). The principles, of safeguarding and protection are hereby beneficial to provide the best quality care and continuous support to the individual. I always try to follow my job role and responsibilities in NHS in order to support the individuals in the society. Working with the whistle-blowers and others social workers is beneficial for me to identify the vulnerable people in the society and safeguard them with safety and security. The online reporting system and digital database management for recording are also helpful for me to manage the patients in the NHS as well as enhance cooperation and communities to work as a team.

Theme 4: Valuing and promoting diversity, difference and inclusion

Diversity and quality is mandatory in the health and social care settings to support the patient and the other stakeholders with diverse culture and provide them good environment to work with others. Fair and equitable treatment is effective to support the patients across the social communities (Gray, Wilde and Shutes, 2018). NHS is successful to manage equality and fairness through treating the patients efficiently by utilising digital database management system, quality supervisions and monitoring (Pandya-Wood, Barron and Elliott, 2017). Creating value for the patients and their families through delivering the best quality health care support, treatment as well as advice to their families is also beneficial for the patients. The approach to meet the needs of the patients, colleagues and other social care workers is also crucial to maximise the values, promote diversity and inclusion (Keyworth et al., 2018). All the individuals have the equal opportunity to include in the NHS practice irrespective of their cultural background, age gender, ethnicity, disability and culture. It provides me a scope to work with a diverse team members and also treat the patient fairly irrespective of their diversity. The patient’s personal data and information are maintained efficiently to manage confidentiality and it also creates values for the patients, where the individuals can share their information and personal experience with the care givers.

Theme 5: Promoting physical and mental health and wellbeing in health and social care practice

Promoting physical and mental health and wellbeing in health and social care practice is crucial for creating values for the individuals (Givati, Markham and Street, 2018). The nurses and the whole team of health care professionals are efficient and experienced to utilise their clinical skill and knowledge for diagnosing the patient in order to acknowledge their actual health needs and personal preferences, so that it would be possible to develop good care plan for treating the patient with improved care and treatment (Hanney and Karagic, 2019). I as a nurse in NHS focus on managing job roles of providing first aid services to the patients an also supervise the individuals to provide time to time record. Promoting physical and mental health and wellbeing is hereby crucial for me where I follow the Health and social care Act 2012 and Mental Capacity Act 2005. The legislative structure as well as understanding the personal preferences of the patients is helpful for me to create good care plan to treat the patient with the best quality care and treatment. The health care managers, doctors, general physicians, psychiatrics and therapist are trying to collaborate with the nursing staff and social workers to diagnose the patient and develop collaborative decision to give the best quality treatment to the individuals. This practice of NHS is beneficial for me to work with others and improve my personal and professional skill set so that I can contribute in developing good care plan for promoting physical and mental health and wellbeing in health and social care practice.

Theme 6: Applied mathematics

Applied mathematics in the health and social care setting is playing a crucial role in the recent years to support the patient and the social communities as a whole by utilising latest IT technology. The health and social care practice at NHS become digitalise to support the patient quickly by managing digital database system (Hynds and Scott-Davies, 2018). The technologies that the general physicians utilises in the care home for diagnosing the patient as well as the health and social care software are utilised to support the patients with the best quality care (Joseph-Williams et al., 2017). Taking, recording and interpreting accurate physiological measurements from patients and the digital database is utilised to manage each individual fairly (Keyworth et al., 2018). Day to day activities through the health care software at the workplace such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Enterprise resource planning (ERP) are helpful to support the patients efficiently. Hence, healthcare-specific technology and IT framework at the NHS will provide me a scope to identify the patients’ health issues, manage the digital database for reviewing the patient records and develop good care plan to provide the best quality care so that it would be possible for the service user team to maximise wellbeing of the individuals.

Through the above mention reflective practice by demonstrating different health care practice themes, it is possible for me to review my working practice and ensure personal and professional development. I focus on maximising the core values including care, compassion, competence, courage, communication and commitment, so that I can work with the health care team and maximise the quality of treatment to create values for the patients.

D1 Assess the overall success of own reflective journey and consider future career pathway

D2 Importance of reflective assessment for own skill analysis

The reflective assessment is beneficial to analyse own abilities and identify the weaknesses so that it would be possible to develop further action plan to improve own capability to work with others and maximise patient care in the health and social care settings. The reflective assessment through several themes are beneficial to analyse own skill an abilities and develop action plan for future development, so that it would be possible to improve personal and professional skill in the care settings (Laverty and Harris, 2018). I am working as a nursing professional in the NHS, which is efficient to serve the best quality care and treatment to the patients across the social communities of the UK. I try to work with others and develop the professional values by delivering the best quality care. I also participate in the health and social care decision making practice to share the ideas and gather vast knowledge and information for creating good care plan for the patient. As per the SWOT analysis, it would be possible for me to analyse own skill and abilities. The major strengths are following the ethical framework of the NHS, adopting the principle and legislative structure so that it would be possible for me to work ethically and legally for serving the patients with the best care. I am also able to improve my clinical skill and knowledge to provide first aid services, take care of the patients, providing safe workplace to stay healthily as well as manage good team work at the workplace so that I can cooperate with other health care service workers for supporting the patient with continuous care and treatment.

The major weaknesses are lack of communication skill and poor creativity and innovation. I am facing communication gap in the NHS for which the issue of internal conflicts, misunderstanding and non-cooperation is increasing over the period of time. It further hampers my performance as a nursing professional in the NHS. In this regard, I need to improve my communication skill for working with others through positive interaction and face to face discussion, so that I can gather vast knowledge and improve my skill to support the individual with latest treatment and care. The other weaknesses are such as poor creativity and decision making practice, due to lack of applied mathematics in health and social care settings. As per the health care practice themes, the applied mathematics is important to utilise the latest technological framework and improve technical innovation to develop patient centred care and manage the individuals fairly. Due to lack of technical skill set and inefficacy in applying the latest health care techniques, it becomes difficult for me to enhance creativity and contribute positively in the decision making practice of NHS. It also deteriorates my performance and productivity in the health care settings. Lack of leadership skill, poor managerial skill as well as inefficiency to utilise latest health care equipment are the major weaknesses which need to be mitigated in order to become a successful nursing professional in the care settings.

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P2 Personal learning and experience for further contribution

I have worked more than 225 hours in the workplace, as nursing professionals, where I am successful to fulfil my job roles and responsibilities in the care home. I try to work by maintaining my time schedule and complete the tasks of patient record management, providing necessary medicines and prescribed injections, following patient’s dietary charts and other care activities, so that it would be possible for me to create values for the individuals, which is the major vision of the NHS. The organisation is efficient to range training and developmental program for the nursing professionals, where I try to participate in order to improve my transferrable skill set as well as clinical skill for better performance. Hence, practical learning through gathering experience as well as developing further action plan is beneficial for me to improve my proficiency to work with others and treat the patients carefully. In working with the NHS, I come to know the practice of professionalism, where I try to work as a partnership working practice; maintain positive body language and good attitudes towards others in order to develop strong teamwork at the NHS. For supporting the patients with quality treatment, it is also essential to follow the legislative structure health and social care as well as ethical principles. As a nursing professional, my job roles in the NHS are,

To take care of the patients

To maintain patient record

To provide daily to day updates of the patients

To provide time to time medicines and meals

To deliver continuous support and therapeutic services to overcome their illness

To maintain health and safety at the workplace

To maintain hygienic factors

To develop patient centred care for creating values for the individuals

To enhance partnership working practice for delivering the best quality care and treatment

Through the working practice at NHS, I am able to take care of the patient and utilise my clinical skill to provide first aid services, medicines, meals and other necessities to meet the patient requirements. I prefer to work with others for better working practice, I aim at sharing the skill and knowledge to develop good care plan. Additionally, patient centred care is beneficial, where I have focused on empowering the patients to share their feedback and develop the best care and as per their personal preferences and the health needs. These practices are beneficial for me to work efficiently and gather more experience to maximise my proficiency in treating the patient with the best quality treatment and continuous care.

Targets of professional career pathway

For achieving the professional career aim, the targets are,

To contribute efficiently in the organisation with effective utilisation of the organisational resources and IT framework

To improve technical skill set for managing health care technology and enhance creativity to maintain patient records

To develop professionalism by maintaining ethical standard of transparency and accountability, respect and integrity

To enhance communication and cooperation for establishing partnership working practice

To develop patient centred care for delivering high quality treatment and care and meeting their needs

D3 Action plan for professional learning and development

anticipated care anticipated care2

Though the action plan, it is possible to develop own skill and abilities to treat the patient with latest health care equipment and treatment. The aim is to provide the best quality care to the patients so that it would be possible to maximise wellbeing of the individuals. I try to utilise my academic knowledge and clinical skill set to work as a nursing professional in NHS and have worked efficiently over 225 hours to provide quality care to the patients. I try to work as a team through cooperation and communication; however, there are several challenges like internal conflicts, resistance to change towards innovative practice and misunderstanding. In such context, I would like to develop my communication skill so that it would be possible for me to arrange group discussion and communicate openly with other health care service providers for working as a team and manage the patient with the improved care and treatment. Additionally, the leadership skill improvement, enhancing creativity and technological innovation through gathering information and critical decision making skill for patient care would be beneficial for me to work as a nursing professional and create values for all the individuals at NHS.

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Reference List

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Coates, R.S. and Mofidi, R., 2019. Financial sustainability of NHS Foundation Trusts in England five years after the enactment of the Health and Social Care Act of 2012. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 25(6), pp.1-9.

Givati, A., Markham, C. and Street, K., 2018. The bargaining of professionalism in emergency care practice: NHS paramedics and higher education. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 23(2), pp.353-369.

Gray, K., Wilde, R. and Shutes, K., 2018. Enhancing nurse satisfaction: an exploration of specialty nurse shortage in a region of NHS England. Nursing Management, 25(1).

Hanney, N. and Karagic, H., 2019. Responding to the NHS and social care workforce crisis. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning.

Hynds, L. and Scott-Davies, D., 2018. Heart of the deal: the use of negotiation and advocacy skills to revise national guidance for the NHS in line with professional best practice in the recordkeeping sector. Archives and Records, 39(2), pp.174-187.

Joseph-Williams, N., Lloyd, A., Edwards, A., Stobbart, L., Tomson, D., Macphail, S., Dodd, C., Brain, K., Elwyn, G. and Thomson, R., 2017. Implementing shared decision making in the NHS: lessons from the MAGIC programme. Bmj, 357.

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Stark, C. and Hookway, G., 2019. Applying lean in health and social care services: improving quality and the patient experience at NHS highland. London: CRC Press.

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