Managing a project demands a set of skills starting from leading the employees and making sure that they work in the right way. In the current case managing the project needs unblemished managerial skills. Firstly it is essential to layout a proper blueprint of the plan that needs to be followed. As influenced by Orlecka-Sikora et al. (2017), a clear idea about the program and project of the same can work on providing the much-needed attention towards the objectives of the business and future plans. Similarly, it becomes essential to know the fact that leading a project demands to have a strategic perspective. Lack of strategic perspective can work on creating a gap in the project. Managing a practice can be equally stressful. It is for the same reason it is essential to ensure that the business is set in a proper way. First, it is necessary to commit to the decision (Kivilä, Martinsuo and Vuorinen, 2017). The final decision has been made to open a practice; then the first step is to be ready for it. The first strategic decision that is to be taken is the location of the area neither the employees of the patient should need to commute hours for reaching the office. Hence it is essential to find a centrally located area that is near to healthcare organisations this way if the business has patients that need to be referred to hospital for a test they need not drive an extra mile , illustrating the importance of healthcare dissertation help in ensuring such strategic decisions (Brunswicker and Chesbrough, 2018).
Once the office is established, it is essential to customise the practice and think about the sort of ambience that needs to be created for the patient. Purchasing the right kind of record and building the right type of infrastructure can help in determining the needs of the staff and providing a soothing experience to the patient (McDonald et al. 2017). There are many things to be considered while driving the business towards success. Events such as marketing to sales certain aspects of the business need to be taken care of on a daily basis. However, with the help of the right kind of revenue cycle management, the practice need not worry about anything at all. The right type of revenue management cycle partner can help in enhancing the cash flow while increasing the level of profitability. As stated by Camp, Laufersweiler and Robbins (2018), it can work on reducing the claims related error and rejections made by the insurance company by shortening the duration by a month. The right company can help in streamlining the collection and process all the needed finances. Similar leaders essential to have clear communication with the employees aware of the possible job roles and ways they can work on achieving their professional responsibilities (Brown, 2020)
The current business operation aims to run a profitable business for a longer time. Research shows that word of mouth recommendation and reference is often termed to be critical drivers for new market (Fargnoli et al. 2018). The company should strive to gain hi service level for keeping the customers happy. In order to improve the customer service technique, it is essential to follow the mentioned steps:
Firstly it is essential to understand the needs of the customers. The customers can be easily identified by knowing more about customers. Hence it is essential to do a little research about the main customers and give some thought as to how the services could be customised to suit their needs (Choy and Rees, 2017). This can work on helping the business to find the exact ways for meeting the aspirations of customers and achieving unblemished customer services.
Secondly, it is vital to seek and analyse the feedback given by the customers. As the business progresses, it would make use of techniques that work on gathering information about the customers as a part of their market research. Hence it is essential not to make assumptions and look for potential ways that can help in understanding the perspective of the customer about the business. As influenced by Scheidt and Chung (2019), it is essential to be radical and invite the customers to help the company to identify the exact needs that need to be met.
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It is essential to impress customers with surprises. Nothing can be used to be more powerful than giving the customers something that they were not anticipating from the business. This action helps in raising the credibility of the market in the local communities to the use of referrals and feedback, which are usually positive in nature. In addition to that, it is essential to invest resources in customer service training. As observed by Ashraf, Rashid and Rashid (2017), using a training provider who will really get to know the business and support the strategy and standard of services can provide an additional competitive edge to the market. In addition to that, it is vital to establish and communicate near standards in relation to policy, quality appearance and excellent customer services. It is crucial for letting the staff know what the business expects from them and ensuring that the services are continuously excellent from everyone on a daily basis (Nuruzzaman and Hussain, 2018). Additional capturing and sharing examples of the excellent service provided by the organisation can work on boosting the mood of the existing staff members. This can work on building best practices for giving recognition to the individual who is delivering the service and encouraging the employees to get further for providing the needed customer service.
In order to enhance the level of customer service, it is important to behave well with the staff. As stated by Chourasia and Nema (2016), behaviour breeds behaviour and happy team result in more delighted customers. Unfortunately, all experience that looks sound wholly fed up and thus be termed as the worst kind of ambassador. Hence it is vital to change the mindset by providing the scope experience life as one of the customers. As a result, the customers are likely to feel valued, sharing great inside for improving customer services. However, Nallusamy and Ahamed (2017), stated the fact that it is vital to train the employees for providing the right kind of services. Furthermore, it is important to set measurable objectives in order to improve customer services.
One of the critical responsibilities while leaving a group of employees is locating each member on the team (Bradywood et al. 2017). This demands a decision about who is capable of performing a task for ensuring the success of the project. In order to make the decisions effectively, the team leader must make judgments in regards to the following:
a task that needs to be one or more in number must be completed
the employees of the department who is able to complete the task
finding the best fit for achieving the goals of the project
Generally, this points out towards the fact that the team ever needs to have a combination of task and people for accomplishing the mentioned goal. Maintaining a proper staff within the organisation is vital while allocating activities of work (McCrory, Pilcher and McMillan, 2017).
Before allocating a task, it is vital to determine the team in terms of knowledge and competence level of the members, ensuring that the project staff adequately and accurately. In specific scenarios, the team leader can make use of a skills matrix for a visual variety of skills on the team member, but the model can help in identifying the gaps (Mahmood et al. 2017). The difference can assist in identifying the need for specific skills for making the allocation of the task easier.
Involving the team can be termed as an essential decision while allocating the task. Motivating the group can be simple as involving in decisions such as how the job needs to be awarded. Team leaders can ask employees about their learning needs before initiating a new project. As influenced by Chen et al. (2019), morale is highly boosted when the business organisation tends to exhibit interest in the professional development of the employees. Cross-training can also provide better coverage in different tasks while others take time off from work-related activities. Getting the employees involved in the process of decision making helps in the formation of high performance within the teams. The connection to better performance is a high level of productive numbers that feed the bottom line (Yadav et al. 2019). The leader wants to manage the team that continuously meets the objectives of the project. It is for the same reason some might exhibit reluctance in asking for help from subordinates. However, involving the team does not change the way decisions are being made about the timelines and the task. The leader still looks at various stars and refuses on the team members (Kong, Zhang and Ye, 2017). A collective decision is seen to develop a discussion on which the team arrives at the best judgement for the project. the increase in the level of motivation and enthusiasm while the team members draw the experience for ensuring the success of the project
In order to establish a smart target, it is essential to have clear and well-defined practice goals. The goal needs to be measurable and clearly identified with precise dates and milestones for success.
Setting the target demands strategic decision-making abilities. The organization in the current regards is highly equipped with strategies that can work on managing the project. Understanding the needs of the customer can be perceived as a common need for the business. However, it is equally important to understand the fact that proper project management related strategies can work on reducing the possible gaps in the project, such as delays. The aspect of time, quality and cost need to be considered as it gives rise to the scope of the project. Hence, it can be conclusively stated, forming SMART targets demand enhanced operational mechanism that can be inherently achieved through continuous training and right modes of communication.
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Ashraf, S.R.B., Rashid, M.M. and Rashid, A.H., 2017. Implementation of 5S methodology in a food & beverage industry: A case study. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(3), pp.1791-1796.
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