Leadership's Role in Healthcare Success


Leadership plays a crucial roe, to develop proper strategic planning and lead the employees and staff members in the workplace towards achieving future success. The health care institutions try to develop leadership skill to create good corporate culture and develop suitable workplace for the nurses and other health and social care professionals to work efficiently and fulfil the organisational objectives (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019). It is important for the leaders and the managers to manage the whole process and create good culture to maximise the participation of the employee and engage them in the organisational activities. The health and social care organisations aim at choosing goof leadership style to create proper organisational culture and develop suitable working atmosphere to improve their performance in long run, where it is possible for the staff and nurses to contribute positively and fulfil their roles and responsibilities in long run.

Differences in management and leadership

Leaders in the health care institutions are playing important ole to lead the staff members towards achieving success by creating good strategic planning for the benefits of the organisation and on the other hand, the management team is also mandatory to be developed in the heath care practice, where the managers are responsible to organise the work and coordinate with the staff to make the strategic implementation successful. The managers are able to follow the leader’s strategic directions and work accordingly with the help of the staff and nurses to fulfil the organisational aims and objectives (Brown, 2018). The leader establishes the strategic directions and the management team are capable to doing the plans and budgetary system to develop the process and apart from that, the managers are also able to set time frame to organise the tasks and fulfil the strategic planning, created by the leader. Additionally, in the health and social care system, the leaders align the organisational vision, communicate the vision and mission as well as have high emption to engage with the workforce. On the other hand, the health care managers try to delegate the responsibilities. Limit the employee choices and manage human resource for maximising their performance. The managers try to reshape the human resource management practice to support the leader and fulfil the strategic direction of the health care system. For execution hand control, the management team manages the control process ad identify the internal issues and explore solutions to monitor the ultimate results. On the other hand, the leaders try to inspire and motivate the team members including the doctors, nurse and other staff members in the organisation and satisfy their basic needs to retain them, for long run.

Role of leader and the functions of managers

The leaders also take high risk approach to manage change and develop creative solutions for achieving future success. Hence, for change management practice, the leaders are playing crucial role to manage change in the workplace where the major aim is to manage the infection control system at the institutions. It is mandatory for the leader to provide high quality care to each patient who is suffering from infections related disease. For change management practice, the leader main aims at developing partnership working practice by engaging all the nurses in the workplace in order to develop appropriate care plan for the patients and maximise the quality of care. According to the Care Quality Commission, it is mandatory to provide high quality care to the patients, where respect and integrity of the patients are managed; the nurses must concentrate on the perception of the patients and fulfil their needs while developing the care plan. On the other hand, the Francis Inquiry (2013) explores the management and leadership in the health care context, where it is mandatory to manage the leadership skill at the workplace, so that the nurses can contribute positively and cooperate with the leaders for better understanding and management the workplace (Brown, 2018).


Importance of leadership in nursing and healthcare

In the nursing and health care system, it is mandatory to have a good leader in order to lead the staff members at the institution towards achieving the organisational aims and objectives. In this regard, leadership is important in the nursing and health care system where the leaders play an important role to determine the goals and organise the activities strategically. The leader is necessary to develop proper vision of the health care organisations and create good strategic planning to lead the organisational efficiently (Willis, Clarke and O'Connor, 2017). The leader is also playing crucial role in providing proper guidance to the workforce and motivate them in the workplace. The leader encourages the creativity of the employees, including the nurses, staff members and doctors to work collaboratively and fulfil the organisational aim and objectives. for achieving the quality standard, set by the Care Quality Commission, it is necessary to have appropriate leadership style at the workplace where the leader is able to lead the staff members, nurses and health care professionals successfully towards achieving future success (Renz, 2016). Facilitating the changes and building employee morale are also possible under good leadership style, where the leader is capable to crating good workplace and develop organisational culture under which the nurses and doctors can be collaborative and work cooperative for fulfilling their job roles and responsibilities. Resource allocation and investment decision are also made by the leader in the health care context, where the leaders are also playing an essential role to develop the health care infrastructure and develop proper solutions to provide high quality patient care services (Gopee and Galloway, 2017). Hence, in the health care context, good leadership style is mandatory for the nurses and doctors to get suitable working culture where they can contribute efficiently in the workplace and fulfil the organisational success. In the present case, the major aim of the leader is to manage change in the organisation for successful infection control system and for this, the leader focuses on developing partnership working practice in the workplace where the nurses and doctors can be engaged with each other and develop collaborative practice to work with each other for serving the best quality care and treatment to each patient in the health care institution.

Evaluation of the leadership style in nursing

Good leadership practice is mandatory for the health care institution, where the leader can cooperate with other staff members, including nurses, doctors and physicians to develop partnership working practice and it is beneficial or the nurses and doctors to develop partnership working practice to develop suitable care plan for the patients so that they can provide high quality care to the patients (Willis, Clarke and O'Connor, 2017). In this regard, as per the Francis Inquiry (2013), the good leadership style at the organisation support the workforce and manage their roles and responsibilities through continuous motivation and inspiration, where they are interested to perform efficiently to provide high quality care to the patients. As per the report, it has been seen that, ineffective leadership style may deteriorate the quality of the health care services provided to the patients where the quality standard as per the care Quality Commission guidelines are violated in the health care intuition. It is difficult for the leader to lead the team members without proper leadership skill and change management practice is also not being implemented efficiently due to poor leadership practice. The poor leadership practice leads the organisation towards failure to achieve success, where lack of management of the health care system, poor infrastructure, and poor human resource management leads to breakdown of the whole system where the nurses and doctors cannot communicate and cooperate to treat the patients with quality care (Gopee and Galloway, 2017).

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Influence of effective leadership

Effective leadership is hereby beneficial for the organisation to support the nurses and doctors to work collaboratively and manage change successfully. The good leadership practice is hereby beneficial for the nurses to fulfil their job roles and responsibilities and improve innovation to serve the patients high qualities care (Thorpe, 2016). The nurses can also learn more through training and experience gathering where they can support he doctors for developing proper care plan for the benefits of the patients. Hence, god leadership practice in the health care institutions is beneficial for the nurses to improve their efficiency to perform as well as it is advantageous for the patients to get high quality care and treatment. High communication and teamwork can be possible under good leadership approach, where the leader support the nurses continuously with training program as well as encourage their creativity to perform better (Weiss, Tappen and Grimley, 2019). High cooperation and partnership working practice are also beneficial for the doctors and nurses to be cooperative and develop proper patient care pan by maintaining the quality standard set by the care Quality commission. Hence, change management practice can be possible under the good leadership style, where the leader can support and direct the nurses, infection control team and doctors for better practice so that they can deliver high quality patient care as per the patient’s health issues.


Managing change in the organisation provides an opportunity to the leader to develop creative strategic planning for the members in the workplace to lead them innovatively and adopt the change initiatives to achieve the organisational aim and objectives in a unique way. Change management practice should be implemented properly to manage the changes and create good working practice in the workplace (Bernardes, 2018). In the health and social care context, it is necessary of the leader to develop proper change initiatives and implement the good practice to lead the change with proper communication and cooperation with the staff members. The change initiative in this context is related to developing partnership working practice in the infection control unit for developing patient centred care so that the nurses and the doctors can collaborate to make good care plan for the patients suffering from infection TVS (Kantanen et al., 2017). It is necessary to take change initiatives to reshape the working practice and I try to follow the transformational leadership style to create good working culture at the infection control unit. It is mandatorily for me to cooperate with others and engage the nurses and doctors for developing appropriate care plan for the patients. The partnership working practice further helps me to share my knowledge and gather more in depth skill and practice from others to develop care plan. This further provides a scope to develop patient centred care plan after effective patient assessment, where the nurses and doctors can work as a team and share their experience for treating the patients for tackling the TVS infection. In this context, it is necessary to conduct personal analysis to identify own strengths and weaknesses to contribute positively in the change initiatives. Transformational leadership skill further helps me to understand suitable leadership style in the infection control unit to manage change. It is mandatory for me to assess own skill and abilities through personal SWOT analysis which will be described further (Cherry and Jacob, 2016).

Personal Analysis

Personal Analysis

In conducting personal SWOT, I consider my communication skill, which is mandatory to take active part in the organisational practice and manage change in the workplace. Leadership skill and managerial practice are necessary to be developed for better understanding and working with others. In this regard, I follow the transformational leadership skill to encourage others and convince them to participate in the change management process. As per the transformational leadership style, it is necessary to motivate the individual and encourage the creativity of the nurses and doctors to treat he patients. The working culture can also be improved through transformational leadership style, where I try to develop friendly atmosphere as well as encourage others to have open discussion about the patient’s issues so that every health care professional can participate properly and collaborate with each other for making better care plan for the patients. Additionally, clinical practice and ethical code of conduct to treat the patients are also necessary for me to work in the health and social care organisation and for this it is beneficial for me to develop the health care management skill to contribute positively during the changed initiatives. Collaborative working practice skill and emotional inelegance skill are also necessary for me to work with others and in this regard I try to improve my communication skill to discuss the issues of patients with senior management team and nurses so that I can also improve my clinical expertise and contribute positively with others in the infection control system. My aim is to develop partnership working practice in the health care system in order to maximise the quality of care in the inflection control unit. As per the Francis Inquiry (2013), it is necessary to develop proper leadership skill as well as choose one change initiative to lead the employees towards achieving success (Lehtonen et al., 2018). In this regard, I aim to develop partnership working practice in the infection control unit to support the patients and create values for the service users. The partnership working practice provides an opportunity to the ruses and doctors to develop teamwork and communicate with each other for developing care plan for the patients suffering from infection. It further helps me to develop patient centred approach to manage the patients and help them to control infectious disease and spread of infection. The objectives are,

To educate the staff members for better communication and working practice in the health and social care organisation

To analyse the strategies for developing partnership working practice and maximising the quality of the health care service in the health care institutions

SMART objectives for departmental change

SMART objectives for departmental change SMART objectives for departmental change SMART objectives for departmental change

Change management practice

Change management practice needs to be implemented with proper step where it is possible to lead the change and convince the people engaged with the change initiatives in the infection control unit of the health care organisation. For managing change in the health care workplace, Lewin model of change is effective where there are three stages such as unfreeze, change and refreeze. Under unfreeze; the needs for change should be determined as well as creating the need for change and clearing the doubts of the participants are mandatory to unfreeze the change (Murray, 2017). In this regard, I try to create urgency for change where it is mandatory to meet the quality standard of care Quality commission so that the patients are treated with high quality care to tackle their infection. Ensuring strong support and high cooperation are also necessary where I try to convince the nurses to manage the change initiatives and understand the need for the change in the infection control unit (Pawl and Anderson, 2017). I try to share the need for change where I convince the team members to work as partnership as it is necessary to create vales for the patients by developing proper care plan and providing high quality treatment. Partnership working practice further helps he nurses to develop patient centred approach which is good for handling the patients in the health care unit.

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For accepting the changed initiatives and leading the change, it is necessary to communicate with all the staff members as well as empower the actions with proper involvement of the people in the actions (Cleary et al., 2019). I try to develop strong relationship with all the nurses, improve trust and loyalty among them for better interaction. For improving communication and cooperation, I also try to empower the nurses in the change process and seek their feedback during the change. Refreeze is also mandatory step to lead the change towards achieving success, where the providing support and direction, arranging training for the people and lead the change are crucial for ultimate success. I try to arrange training program for improving participation of the nurses as well as develop group discussion to work collaboratively. Proper empowerment of each nurse in the process as well as encouraging their creativity to develop solution for developing patient’s centred approach will be helpful for me to lead the change in a systematic process (Lal, 2019). In this regard, I also follow the transformational leadership style to motivate the nurses continuously and lead them with teamwork and high communication. This further helps me to lead the change with proper involvement with all the nurses in the injection control unit and share the information and clinical expertise with each other for working collaboratively.

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I try to develop my skill and knowledge in serving the patients with high quality care and treatment. The change management process would be implemented with the help of Lewin change model, where I try to improve my leadership skill and develop good working practice in the infection control unit. I also try to improve my clinical practice skill to support other nurses and manage the working activities successfully. The change is towards developing partnership working practice in the workplace to support the patients with TVS infection and in this regard, I try to lead the change with proper cooperation and cooperation, where transformational leadership skill further provides me a scope to improve my abilities to manage the team. I can lead the team members efficiently towards achieving the aim of the infection control unit, where partnership working practice is developed through providing support and direction to the nurses, developing team work, enhancing internal communication and cooperation to perform better and serve the high quality care to the patients.

Reference List

Bernardes, A., 2018. Contemporary perspectives on leadership and management in nursing. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 39.

Brown, T., 2018. Using Jenga to teach risk management concepts to senior nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(12), pp.765-765.

Bush, T., Bell, L. and Middlewood, D., 2019. Principles of Educational Leadership & Management. London: SAGE Publications Limited.

Cleary, M., West, S., Arthur, D. and Kornhaber, R., 2019. Change Management in health care and mental health nursing. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40(11), pp.966-972.

Kantanen, K., Kaunonen, M., Helminen, M. and Suominen, T., 2017. Leadership and management competencies of head nurses and directors of nursing in Finnish social and health care. Journal of research in Nursing, 22(3), pp.228-244.

Lehtonen, M.R., Roos, M., Kantanen, K. and Suominen, T., 2018. International Nursing: Nurse Managers' Leadership and Management Competencies Assessed by Nursing Personnel in a Finnish Hospital. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 42(2), pp.164-174.

Lehtonen, M.R., Roos, M., Kantanen, K. and Suominen, T., 2018. International Nursing: Nurse Managers' Leadership and Management Competencies Assessed by Nursing Personnel in a Finnish Hospital. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 42(2), pp.164-174.

Pawl, J.D. and Anderson, L.S., 2017. The use of change theory to facilitate the consolidation of two diverse Bachelors of Science in Nursing programs. Nursing Outlook, 65(2), pp.233-239.

Renz, D.O., 2016. The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Willis, S., Clarke, S. and O'Connor, E., 2017. Contextualizing leadership: Transformational leadership and Management‐By‐Exception‐Active in safety‐critical contexts. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90(3), pp.281-305.

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