Portia is the region which is located in Northern America that has a steady international migratory growth. There is an increasing number of centenarians over the last ten years in Portia with a reducing life expectancy rate. Although Portia had a well-developed and strong market economy which was mainly based on the services industry, in recent years there is an economic slowdown due to the continuous economic restrictions and lockdown during this COVID 19 pandemic. For fighting the pandemic situation, and provide more people with proper clinical assistance to cope up with COVID 19 illnesses, there were developed temporary hospitals in Portia, highlighting critical aspects for those studying healthcare dissertation help.
Stakeholders can be defined as the person, agencies or organizations that influence the decision making, operations work process and management of a company. Here in the case study four important stakeholders of the redevelopment project of Portia Home have been presented that are: Ali Samra, Linda Goldsmith, Salma Jones and Sonia Fallen.
Ali Samra is the project management of this redevelopment project who plays an important role in developing the plan and proper implementation of the redevelopment project. Ali also has the responsibility of ensuring the correct and appropriate specification for each apartment is in the proper place (Mahmud, 2017).
Linda Goldsmith is a famous community activity who is a voracious as well as an outspoken critic of this project. She has criticized each decision taken by the Portia Home commission and Ai Salma for this redevelopment project by stating that through implementing this project the emotion and heath and people are sacrificed in exchange for the economic benefits.
Salma Jones is another important stakeholder of this redevelopment project of Portia Home. Salma is the first female Muslim government official of Portia. Salma is one of the most important stakeholders in this redevelopment project who tries to use her position and power to increase the financial opportunity in-hospital care as there a considerable reduction of inpatients due to the leak of the COVID 19 virus is passed. She believes in using the real estate of the hospital in this economic downturn of Portia to improves the overall economic growth of this region.
Sonia fallen is the senior litigation expert which reviews the redevelopment project. As she has a high level of project management experience in complex litigation and project arbitration, she can be a good litigator to provide effective and highly realistic litigation advice that can assist all the stakeholders of this redevelopment project to stop all kinds of criticism. Sonia is a highly respected woman in society who plays an important stakeholders’ role in this redevelopment project to provides effective advice to the project manager for mediating the dispute associated with this project.
If US culture is explored through using the 6D model, it is possible to present a comprehensive comparative discussion on the American culture as compared to other culture of the world.
Power in society can be referred to as the degree of influence that a person exerts on another person's ideas, decision making and behaviour (Vojt, 2017). Thet PDI analysis will assist to determine the attitude of culture towards the power distribution in America. US culture believes in the survival of the fittest theory under which people with higher power will dominate on the people with lower power. As compared to the other society culture in the world America believes in the fact that, people must gain the power through their hard work, struggle and concentration towards the career and professional development. Mainly the PDI denotes comparatives discussion between the social and financial power of people that make people, to exert impacts on other people who have less power from them.
Individualism is the degree of interdependence that society exerts on all its members. People living in the individualistic society are generally self-centred who mainly priorities the benefits and decisions of their direct relatives and family (Muras, 2017). America’s score of individualism is 91, which presents this country as one of the most individualistic culture. America represents ‘justice and liberty for all’. On the other hand, in the collectivist society, members are interconnected with each other thereby taking the integrated decision for benefiting the entire society. As compared to the other cultures in the world, America believes that equal rights and opportunities in both the professional and personal field. Here employees are provided with the professional opportunities based on their performance standard and effort. American society believes in equal rights and fair values for every citizen.
Masculinity and family are considered as the distribution of the motional roles between two genders (male and female). The masculinity score of US is 62. Masculinity and femineity are the two potential issues in society (Ali and Anwar, 2021). America presents a masculine society in which winners take the entire game. Here the women and men both compete for the best position (Khan, 2020). Americans believe in the can-do mentality in every aspect of their life. They also believe in the ‘live to work’ which brings the financial reward to the society that not only develops the economic growth of society but also improves the living standard and professional standard of people.
Uncertainty avoidance:
Uncertainty avoidance is the degree of preparation that any country takes for dealing with the possible risk that happens in the future (Pilkienė et al. 2018). America's score in this is below average, which shows that Americans does not believe in the pre-set rules and systematic process of operations that need to be followed for dealing with the future aspects rather Americans love to deal with challenges in life. Americans are highly adaptive to the challenges and they allow them to take innovative decisions that can make effective changes,
This dimension shows that how a society can evaluate its past experiences in terms of dealing with different challenges in present and future (Capaldo et al. 2021). America scores normative in this dimension. Americans are pragmatic as they believe in applying new and innovative information and methods in dealing with the present and future aspects of their professional and personal life. They believe in the can-do theory, in which they better rely on developing realistic and practices strategies to deal with things rather than implementing past experiences. Therefore, in their redevelopment project, the stakeholders can better use the pragmatic approach which will assist them to use the innovative and highly realistic approach to meet project goals.
Indulgence can be referred to to what extend people can take control of their impulses and desire (Garcia and Russo, 2020). America scored high (68) in this dimension. This is because Americans believe in working and playing hard thereby meeting all the goals. Americans believe in the theory that people must work hard to achieves their desire and impulse. This dimension is applied in the redevelopment project of Portia Home, in which the stakeholders can use their power and position to fulfil their desire of accomplishing their project thereby providing financial assistance to Portia.
Situational leadership shows that whether organisational leaders are supportive or directives to the personalised needs of their followers.
By using the above-mentioned Four leadership style format of situational leadership the behaviour of each above-mentioned stakeholder in this redevelopment project can be analyzed (Hassan et al. 2017). Here the project manager Ali Samra has two types of characteristic features such as participating (S3) and delegating (S4). Ali is height effective in task delegation among the project team members and highly participates in all the tasks related to the redevelopment project.
By analyzing the global leadership and organizational behavior of USA it can be stated that as compared to the other countries in the world, America is highly performance oriented and future concerned. Here organizational leaders are highly active in implementing the transformational leadership in which they emphasize on improving the overall professional skill and knowledge of the organizational staffs. By conducting this global behavioral and management analysis it can also be stated that as compared to the other world countries America emphasizes on maintaining the collectivism organizational culture in which organizational personnel work collectively and collaboratively with one another to work and achieve common organizational goals.
In this model, the three stakeholders Sonia, Linda and Salma act like an owl, therefore they show wise behaviour. Wise behaviour is good for managers in terms of making a win-to-win situation and dealing with the highly difficult political situation. This wise behaviour will assist them to develop good moral decisions that can be effective and beneficial for this redevelopment project. On the other hand, this wise behaviour will assist these three stakeholders (Sonia, Linda and Salma) to develop good listening skills, non-verbal communication, good creative thinking and problem-solving skill. Through showing wise, calm and polite behaviour towards all the stakeholders who are involved in this redevelopment project, these three above-mentioned stakeholders (Sonia, Linda and Salma) can maintain the healthy, positive and trustworthy relationship with other stakeholders. In additional to this, the wise and gentle approach of all these three stakeholders will enable them to maintain a heathy and effective communication with the other stakeholders regarding the progress, challenges and barriers of the redevelopment project. As mentioned by Capaldo et al. (2021), stakeholders act as owl in Baddeley and James model, are enabled to encourages the stakeholder to maintain synergistic relation with each other thereby working collaboratively on the common organisational goals. Through showing the wise and gentle approach, these three stakeholders will be able to bring all the stakeholders togethers to work on the objectives of the redevelopment project thereby giving the valuable advice regarding the fast accomplishment of this project.
On the other hand, Ali act as Sheep, which means he is innocent. His innocence can be both beneficial and threatful for the success of this project. She can maintain healthy and trustworthy relations with the team members by applying his innocence. On the contrary Mcdermott (2019) argues that although being innocent can be threatful for stakeholders to deal with the challenges associated with any project, innocent stakeholders can easily gain the trust of the other members in group and can be able to maintain healthy and strong work relation with the team members which improve the work progress and the productivity of the entire team. On the other hand, innocent stakeholders would be able to maintain the transparency and clarity in each stage of the project management process. In this context, Ali can win the game by showing innocence in front of the stakeholders the project team which will enable him to convince all stakeholders to take the ethical and right decision regarding the project and comply with all the statutory regulation for carrying out the entire project smoothly.
Along with the benefits of being innocent while managing any project, there are many threats that Ali may experiences while working with redevelopment project. Innocent stakeholders can often be neglected to be provided with important details and information regarding project that can interfere with the success and overall outcomes of the redevelopment project. Many times, innocent stakeholders are avoided and neglected by other stakeholders which then create the unhealthy completion and conflict within team members that then interfere with the success of the entire project. In this context, apart from being innocent, Ali must develop strong professional skills such as crisis management skill, conflict management skill, effective information delivery skill, analysing and critical thinking skill and problem-solving skill. Ali must use all these skills in necessary situation to deal with all the associated risk with these situations to establish the wise and ethically right decision that can be highly effective for the entire project.
Mitchell et al stakeholder analysis:
Based on this stakeholder analysis model, the roles if different stakeholders in the case study can be analysed:
Linda is the definitive stakeholder prefer to have clear goals and objectives of the redevelopment project. Linda believes in setting definite goals based on the current requirement of the redevelopment project, thereby formulating strategies to meet these objectives.
Ali is dependent stakeholder who is dependent on the activities of the other stakeholders such as Linda, Salma and Media. For taking any decision regarding the redevelopment project Ali needs to discuss the decision with the other stakeholders and also seek the legal approval from Salma for implementing any strategic decision of project.
Salma is also a definite stakeholder who has clear and transparent goal for the redevelopment project. Through proper implementation of these goals Salma can bring all the stakeholders together to work on the common goals of the redevelopment project.
Media can be considered as the dangerous stakeholder as they have the power to pose both adverse impact or positive contribution to the redevelopment project through influencing the political and legal system. In this context, Ali Salma and the other stakeholders must maintain a healthy and positive relation with Media to keep them satisfied so that media can contribute to promote this redevelopment project
While working on the redevelopment project Linda Goldsmith can use the Social Contract Theory to deal with the positive and negatives of social rights in the political context (Ali et al. 2020). From the case study, it can be stated that Linda would play a utilitarian approach which will assist her to take the practices and highly realistic decisions in both the political and leadership context to contribute her best positive effect in the successful completion of the redevelopment project.
By analyzing the activities and attitudes of Salma Jones in the given case study it can be stated that Salma would element the Ethical Egoism approach. This approach is highly useful for the leaders to use the moral and ethical pathways to take a wise decision that can benefit all the stakeholders as well as the entire community (Ha and Tran, 2018). This approach is highly useful for Salma to follow an ethical pathway in terms of taking the decision that can not only assist the entre Portia Home to develop the economic benefit in right ways to support to the economic condition of Portia, but also use the right power in terms of promoting the community benefits (Vojt, 2017). As Salma belongs to a prestigious governmental designation, she can use this Ethical Egoism approach for implement the wise and ethically right decision regarding complying with all statutory guidelines in Portia to maintain the smooth operation of the redevelopment process. In additional to the Salma, will also be able to implement the ethical ways in terms of equal rights and fair values for all the stakeholders of the redevelopment project thereby promoting a trustworthy and synergistic relation among all the stakeholders.
On the other hand, Sonia Fallen has the utilitarian approach which would assist her to go with the highly realistic and practical litigation methods to solve all the political contradictory issues associated with this redevelopment project thereby bringing all the stakeholders together to work on this project synergistically.
Ali Samra, the project manager of this redevelopment project would use the Ethical Egoism approach. This approach will assist this project manager to work ethically and morally with all team members and stakeholders thereby maintaining a healthy and trustworthy relationship with them (Zhang et al. 2018). This Ethical Egoism approach will enable Salma to maintain the ethical values in each stage of the project management by ensuring all the stakeholders who are involved in this project comply with all the statutory guidelines of the project. On the other hand, this approach will assist Salma, to ensure that there must be a transparent work process and the clear information delivery system which will allow the stakeholders to inform all the details, work progress, any issues and challenges associated with the redevelopment project. Ethical Egoism approach is highly relevant to Salma as it will assist Salma to use analysing and judgmental skill while setting the project goals, making resource management plan and the setting the budgetary plan to ensure that each stage of this project management plan is backed up with organisational regulation and moral values.
As opined by Latif et al. (2020), a project leader must ensure that all the decisions that are taken and the activities that are performed under this project are ethically correct. For maintaining ethics and moral values throughout this redevelopment project in the case study, the project leader can take different approaches. The project leader must eliminate the risk of conflict of interest among stakeholders by encouraging collaboratives and synergistic work relations among stakeholders. As argued by Vojt, (2017), while different stakeholders work in a team, they have multiple interests in the project that enhances the risk of team conflict and unhealthy competition among them that can interfere with the ability of stakeholders to achieve the project goals.
Ali Samra is the project manger of the redevelopment project and is highly ambitious to achieve all the short term and long-term goals of this project.
Salma is a politician and she has the governmental power that she can use in the improvement of the project.
Linda is the community activist and a critic of the redevelopment project
Sonia Fallen is the senior litigation expert who reviews the redevelopment project. As she has a high level of project management experience in complex litigation and project arbitration. She can be a good litigator to provide effective and highly realistic litigation advice that can assist all the stakeholders of this redevelopment project to work collaboratively achieve the common goals.
Ali has the alternatives to set effective and realistic goals and formulate the relevant strategies to meet these goals thereby accomplishing the project.
Salma has the political power, in which she can use her position and power to bring all the stakeholders together to work on the common goals of this project
Linda can use her critical thinking and analysing skill in the redevelopment project to determine the possible barriers of this project and thereby develop the realistic and effective strategies to overcomes all these barriers.
Benefits of the above-mentioned activities of the stakeholders it will assists them to implement the effectives strategies to meet the objectives of the redevelopment project. Additionally, these above-mentioned alternatives will assist all the stakeholders to contribute the best effort to this project to fasten the progress and accomplishment of this project.
Cons of the above-mentioned alternative are the unhealthy competition and conflict among the stakeholders that can interfere with the success of the project
Ali and Salma would use the transactional leadership style which will be highly effective in developing innovative skill and good professional knowledge in staffs thereby improving the productivity of each stakeholder
Linda and Sonia will use transformational and democratic leadership styles which will enable them to work in collaboration with all the other stakeholders in the team.
If Sonia, Salma, Linda and Ali do not perform the activities in right way, it will impact on the overall success of the redevelopment project, by reducing the ability of each stakeholder to meet the common goals.
From the overall discussion, it can be concluded that an effective leadership approach needs to be applied into practice while it comes to develop a well-structured project. The project leader must choose the best-suited leadership approach to boost the productivity of the entire project team. Through conducting effective human capital management (HCN), the project leader can select the right talent to archive the project goals. In this context, while working on any project, the project leader must ensure that effective communication processes are used to strengthen the stakeholders’ engagement to fasten the overall project management process.
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Ali, B.J. and Anwar, G., 2021. Project Management and Dynamic Work Environments: The relationship between Leadership in Dynamic Work Environments in Kurdistan. Ali, BJ, & Anwar, G.(2021). Project Management and Dynamic Work Environments: The relationship between Leadership in Dynamic Work Environments in Kurdistan. International Journal of Civil, Mechanical and Energy Science, 7(3), pp.10-18.
Ali, M., Li, Z., Khan, S., Shah, S.J. and Ullah, R., 2020. Linking humble leadership and project success: the moderating role of top management support with the mediation of team-building. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
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Hassan, M.M., Bashir, S. and Abbas, S.M., 2017. The impact of project managers’ personality on project success in NGOs: The mediating role of transformational leadership. Project Management Journal, 48(2), pp.74-87.
Khan, J., 2020. Impact of authentic leadership on project success through the explanatory mechanism of psychological capital and psychological empowerment in the contextual setting of Pakistan. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 12(3), pp.260-275.
Khan, J., Jaafar, M., Javed, B., Mubarak, N. and Saudagar, T., 2020. Does inclusive leadership affect project success? The mediating role of perceived psychological empowerment and psychological safety. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
Latif, K.F., Afzal, O., Saqib, A., Sahibzada, U.F. and Alam, W., 2020. Direct and configurational paths of knowledge-oriented leadership, entrepreneurial orientation, and knowledge management processes to project success. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
Mahmud, S., 2017. Resilience and emotional intelligence: A focus on leadership at project management in construction sector of Bangladesh. International Journal on Leadership, 5(2), p.12.
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Mazzetto, S., 2019. A practical, multidisciplinary approach for assessing leadership in project management education. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Mazzetto, S.I.L.V.I.A., 2017. Leadership and collaboration in project management education: A case study. In Resilient Structures and Sustainable Construction, Conference Proceedings of ISEC-9, ISEC Press, Valencia (pp. 1-6).
McDermott, T., 2019, June. Data, information, knowledge, and leadership in complex project management. In 2019 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
Muras, W., 2017. Leadership as a driver for innovative projects–key challenges and winning. In Forum Scientiae Oeconomia (Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 5-14). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii WSB.
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