Strategic Shift in Research and Development Practices

Part 1:

In terms of summarizing the changes and concepts of adopting green construction there are strategic actions taken by a chosen department research and development. The improvements are seen in sustainable development of construction operations and various improvements have been done over the last few years of effective planning. Cumulative leading and operations development is a part of elemental challenge management and a significant step is taken towards the green construction medium. Carbon footprint minimization and adopting effective learning techniques is also associated within the instance creation by each organizational department. Hr systems can effectively adopt greener strategies along with minimal environmental impact management of the process (Durmanov et al. 2017). Recycling and job sharing can be effective in terms of effective HR process execution and development. Carrying out effective optimization concepts along with biodiversity pollution is to ensure that the construction process is minimalized. Teleconferencing and telecommuting is applicable in terms of green and sustainable environmental management. Electronic filing systems are identified as another example that are being used for management of processes without wasting much paper. Company is gradually moving towards sustainable energy building and associated with the impact management of minimal environmental degradation.

I have found out that the chosen R&D department plays a significant role in management of sustainability inside companies. The reduction in systematic processes in order to save air, water, and soil is associated with carbon emissions management. Relying on the significant Japanese manufacturing process and greener R&D can help in development of smoother indexes. Environmental degradation takes place with every passing moment and a requirement specification is applicable in this context. Eco-innovation is part of assimilation and exploitation of products needs to stop. Services that incorporate sustainable learning models inside an organization are to be considered at first place. A production process and business methods are associated with eco-innovational alignments of resources being used. Guiding the corporate management within performance orientation and simultaneous development is associated with environmental proxy management of identifying sustainable core components. R&D departments can hold the difficulties identified inside an organization and create trademarks on solving it effectively (Leal Filho et al. 2018). Hence, the process execution becomes easier. I found this quite effectively engaging as the operations are indulged in eco-innovation of firms overall components. Scarcity of natural resources is aligned within the implication of managing the funding and detailed optimization of current processes. This department should focus on government assigned rules and regulations to gain a total component of green building in terms of:


Energy efficient and renewable energy source uses

Toxicity reductions

Smart growth objectives delivery

Waste management and specification analysis

Indoor air quality checking

Furthermore, the strategic actions I can align with identifying real life issues and processes that help or promote sustainability.

Part 2:


I am reflecting on the concepts of sustainable tools and concepts while managing construction in companies in current times. This particular study has focused on sustainable forms of energy sources identification for the management of harmful emission in the air, water, and soil. Sustainable changes are observed in terms of globalization and specific pollution occurring at air, water and soil levels (Østergaard et al. 2020). Here, I want to critically reflect on the effective sustainable measures identified for renewable and nonrenewable energy sources for green construction. Construction and fashion industry is effectively heading towards being sustainable. I have come across the action development plan for the majority of construction professionals and customers. Majority of problems can be solved by incorporating a specific department of work for the maximum viability of the environment. I have found out that green construction is associated with the adoption and implementation of a company's contribution in a globally acknowledged position. Environment friendly options are going to be highlighted in this context along with a highlight on operation and maintenance and renovation aspect. Main strategic planning is associated with a building of componential roles and summative intelligence. Companies' carbon footprint can be effectively discussed through this positional statistics of recycling and reusable components. I am keen to discuss a particular department's role on energy sustainability for companies.


Research development departments can be analyzed in this context for enhancing company activities and working with innovative challenges and activation of work. The aspect that I found interesting is that the research and development department can contribute largely in the development of sustainable changes (Sachs et al. 2019). However, most of the organisations do not even consists that. They rely on the national department for incorporating rules and regulations of sustainable changes. Most challenging part that I have found out is associated with an elementary development of innovation and competitive advantage. The challenging role that R&D possesses is associated with elemental constructions and minimizing the effects of energy consumption. With a lower index of energy consumption and allowing a green building component, I think it becomes easy for a company to manage sustainable changes. Green construction techniques adoption becomes one of the largest challenges while an analysis is taken place. I have found out that companies can save up to 26% of the current energy use in terms of efficient handling and conservation of energies as the effective organizational components are working on least probable activities. Green HRM strategies another aspect of development indulged within the sustainable implementation of company personal data and green construction (Salvia et al. 2019). I found out that “Elemental Constructors’ finance department can play a significant role in solving the green construction sustainability challenge through adopting the green financing and investment strategy”.

It ties bonds with the learning capabilities of past sustainable concepts. All conceptual analysis is effectively triggering a bond of analyzing the sustainable constructions. Whatever I have learnt in the past regarding sustainability is becoming true to the core. The new and fashionable changes are normalized and resources that control industrial pollution need to be taken under consideration. Enhancing biodiversity is something important to be indulged in today's context. In the past, we learned about management of renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. In today’s world, the things have changed and they are more prone towards the management of green financing and investment strategy. Environmental sustainability along with company wise adoption of resources have become common in this digitized era. Industrial pollution control alongside biodiversity protection and water sanitation has projected into green construction largely (Tomislav, 2018). I believe this effectively managed the criteria of involving green construction ideas. The chosen department of R&D requires finding out sustainable options for company offerings and provides links through which companies learn about each other. Elemental constructors and subjective learning management of roles are enhanced for attracting clients and customers with an objective of helping elemental constructors to overcome the various challenges of effective system adoption. Construction projects such as the impactful site of machinery released air is associated with dust and toxic gas management while all waste materials are released into water sources and operations are prone to the management of emissions. In the past I had the least idea about the minimization of emissions to the natural resources. However, noise pollution has been the ultimate part of developing systematic constructions (Xu et al. 2020). I came across the facts the finance department can be held responsible for identifying sustainable measures in environmental conservation. All the departments including R&D should tactically focus on the learning compatibility of construction operations. I find the entire development culture of departments impressive as the finance marketing and HRM and operations all are part of this development process.

The way of thinking has not changed for me, however, it has affirmed with the knowledge I already possessed. The only difference is that the knowledge consists of practical examples and this is identified to be more realistic than the knowledge I perceived previously. The information on sustainable project construction has become significantly influenced by the reduction of negative environmental impacts (Tomislav, 2018). There are options such as low sulphur diesel to be used in management of environmental impact. I have analyzed the facts of adopting environmental sustainability. My concepts on sustainability became more polished after coming across these facts. The operational department is requiring a conceptual breakdown of pollution prevention facts. The factors of operations engage in the light of significant green construction and clients are equally interested in working on green construction. Clients do not mind on effective management of green trends and constructive reality. Learning about the significant goals of green construction is engaged with energy conservation. The process consists of development improvisation and adoption of green therapy. A department wise intervention should be created within sustainable development components and assures with elementary construction management. The project background plays a significant role in investing in green construction policies and controlling the biodiversity process (Vinuesa et al. 2020). Significant improvisations are made across online training and recruitment of sustainable energy sources. Hiring some efficient workers that are going to contribute to the sustainability of the environment and conserve energy is important. Elementary adoption of green investment refers to the core competency modules companies.


The significant actions that need to be found out include organization’s finances and marketing compatibility. Water sanitation along with industrial pollution control is associated with biodiversity protection and filtering the environmental pollutants. I think this is not the end of the findings. It requires a management of isolating finance and key development of green projections. Noise barrier protections are required to be made available in a more developed way. Another criterion that affects the goals of sustainable building is associated with:

Structural design viability

Waste reduction

Energy efficiency

Indoor quality enhancement

Efficient material indulgent

Life cycle assessment of projects

The other options that are required to be found out indulge in basic five elementary analysis of green building. There are building costs identified in an expensive way and technology builds up superior ways to promote sustainability (Vinuesa et al. 2020). Designing portfolios along with high end engineering concepts are associated with the green performance management in several areas. The budgeting and fortifying sustainability is associated with fuel emission management and overall protection of green structures. Global CO2 optimization and estimation of sustainable products involved in climate and environmental protection. High quality performance standards are required to be determined and high end engineering needs to be incorporated.

The questions are associated with effective and sustainable construction development and prototyping the action plan. I am still having doubts regarding the concepts that are being followed in ecological and clean development options. Program development and portfolio directions are still in question while sustainability is achieved.

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In professional life, the ideas of sustainable changes can be incorporated and all estimation of work is associated with a rising number of sustainable projects (Wu et al. 2018). In future, I can use the sustainable empowerment options and create an environment friendly structure with lesser noise and emission to the environmental components.

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Durmanov, A., Bartosova, V., Drobyazko, S., Melnyk, O. and Fillipov, V., 2019. Mechanism to ensure sustainable development of enterprises in the information space.

Leal Filho, W., Azeiteiro, U., Alves, F., Pace, P., Mifsud, M., Brandli, L., Caeiro, S.S. and Disterheft, A., 2018. Reinvigorating the sustainable development research agenda: the role of the sustainable development goals (SDG). International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 25(2), pp.131-142.

Østergaard, P.A., Duic, N., Noorollahi, Y., Mikulcic, H. and Kalogirou, S., 2020. Sustainable development using renewable energy technology.

Sachs, J.D., Schmidt-Traub, G., Mazzucato, M., Messner, D., Nakicenovic, N. and Rockström, J., 2019. Six transformations to achieve the sustainable development goals. Nature Sustainability, 2(9), pp.805-814.

Salvia, A.L., Leal Filho, W., Brandli, L.L. and Griebeler, J.S., 2019. Assessing research trends related to Sustainable Development Goals: Local and global issues. Journal of cleaner production, 208, pp.841-849.

Tomislav, K., 2018. The concept of sustainable development: From its beginning to the contemporary issues. Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, 21(1), pp.67-94.

Vinuesa, R., Azizpour, H., Leite, I., Balaam, M., Dignum, V., Domisch, S., Felländer, A., Langhans, S.D., Tegmark, M. and Nerini, F.F., 2020. The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature communications, 11(1), pp.1-10.

Wu, J., Guo, S., Huang, H., Liu, W. and Xiang, Y., 2018. Information and communications technologies for sustainable development goals: state-of-the-art, needs and perspectives. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 20(3), pp.2389-2406.

Xu, Z., Chau, S.N., Chen, X., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Dietz, T., Wang, J., Winkler, J.A., Fan, F., Huang, B. and Li, S., 2020. Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time. Nature, 577(7788), pp.74-78.

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