Unveiling the Value of Team-Based Work


Team is the mostly spoken word now days in business arena. Companies now try to accomplish tasks based on this. So, the value is expanding. Large companies like- Google, Apple, Microsoft etc. prefer to have their work based on team. The individuals within team feel good to work and more motivated and freer. Research shows, the team creates more efficiency and effectiveness than individual based work by more than 70%. (Team Performance Management, 2009) So, the value is inevitable from this aspect. We will be discovering the value of team-based work in various dimensions. If you need more assistance with HRM dissertation help or other related topics, feel free to ask.

P 1.1 Explain how organisational structure impacts on people in organisations

Organisational structure is a very renowned concept now days because of the usage of this with higher importance. There are various sorts of organisational structure. We need to know those if we want to understand the impact of these on people in organisations.


At first, the hierarchical structure comes in. It’s the most famous structure. It’s basically a normal flow of operation and chain of command where higher authority instructs and controls the subordinates. Here, the nominal flow is crucial thing and the impact on organisation is needed to understand. (Leicher, V. and Mulder, R, 2016) This structure leads to create the scope of leading to the higher authority people because they can lead the people through such way of structure. In the recent era of globalisation, the multinational companies like Google and Microsoft focus on hierarchical structure in the organisation to manage their operations and activities. Google is successful to manage hierarchical structure, where there are senior and junior team members who see help from each there and cooperate to perform as a partnership practice. High authority at Google and Microsoft manages the junior staff and employees in the organisation where the structures further provide a scope to the firm to manage their operations in long run.

Secondly, the flat or tall structure issue comes. Tall structure is wider in terms of length, whereas flat structure is wider in terms of width. Tall structure has managerial people in various portions, but flat structure has high managerial people in upper portion. This structure helps any employee to initiate a project without asking to seniors,

Thirdly, the Matrix structure comes. It’s basically based on mixture of functional and product based. So, it has the mixture of several team benefits. It has a flexible benefit from functional. Flexible benefits from divisional team. It reduces time to communicate with others, because necessary departments and products are on one umbrella. (West, M, 2004)

Fourthly, the inverted triangle structure is important to know. It is basically division of a company in smaller portion in triangle frame. (Team Performance Management, 2009) If we look at the structure, it shows the flow of command. It easily defines the responsibility. It helps to instruct a higher personnel team, or a committee to order another subordinate team or to accomplish the task based on instructions, to fulfil any desired goal, to grab any chance etc. So, this triangle method helps to finish any task based on simple ordering method.

Fifthly, the functional structure comes. It is a functional based dividing method where authority is distributed based on hierarchy. The division method is based on solely the functionality of companies. (Zelazo, P., Astington, J. and Olson, D, 1999) Such as: sale people work under sales department, financial people work under financial department, accounting people work under accounting department and so on. This helps to work efficiently and effectively. People can utilise his or her efficiency in a particular area and be sharp in work. This helps to be the finest.

Finally, the last but not the least structure comes that is product or market as well as geographical structures. This is basically division of a company based on product or any particular market or a geographical structure. It’s very popular for multinational companies. Such as: Unilever, GlaxoSmithKline etc. They have various companies in geographical locations. It helps to run the company based on specific arena. It helps a lot to operate company’s base on specific targeted arena or zone. Like operating in China is not equivalent to run in United Kingdom. There is different demand, different act, different target people, different passion or fashion etc. So, it helps me a lot geographically divide the companies. Whereas some companies have good functioning products, which are needed more treatment than other small products. So, these are also run by smaller segment or a new subsidiary (Leicher, V. and Mulder, R, 2016). In order to conduct the organisational activities and perform better across the global markets, the companies such as Unilever and GlaxoSmithKline focus on developing geographical structure, so that at each of their points in international markets, the higher authority can manage the workers at the store and improve brand performance as a whole. This further helps the companies to manage geographical locations and run the business across the international markets.

P 1.2 Analyze how organisational culture impacts on people in organisations

Culture is wider than anything else. It is the compilation of different views, norms and customs. If we look at the societies or nations, we will see the different aspects of culture. A British is different from an American in terms of cultural views. An Indian is different also from an American or a British in terms of cultural views. This just shows how cultural diversity can occur. Cultural

Let's see the impact of culture on people: At first, the leadership structure of organisation is defined based on this. This structure is crucial for any company. How the organisation will be led needs to be defined, which is done through this proper management method. Secondly, it is easily defined what are the ways we do things (Team Performance Management, 2009). The culture shows how we need to do any particular thing. Other people like India don't prefer these rather prefer to use hands. So, culture defines how to do any work. Thirdly, the assumptions we need to make are defined through culture. The assumptions like how we need to behave with any particular government authority may differ culture to culture. For a company in Britain which may seem strict. For a company in Jamaica, it may seem less strict. Fourthly, the behaviour of the people is also defined by culture. The cultural impact shows how a person will behave. A migrant from Middle East country will behave different from a migrant from Indian subcontinent. Fifthly, the values are obviously different. (Leicher, V. and Mulder, R, 2016) Some people may prefer a thing a valuable achievement, whereas some others may like not to do that. Sixthly, the codes are also defined by culture. A sign or gesture differs in interpretation within different culture. Seventhly, the stories as well as the myths of any culture also differ a lot. Some has stories of boldness, some has of past thing, some has luxurious stories etc. Eighthly, the ceremonies along with different rituals are different. The ceremonies organized by people differ a lot. Finally, the working traditions or ways are different due to culture. Some regional or cultural people love to work at eleventh hour, some love to finish earlier. Some tries to come at work early, some at doing late. (Zelazo, P., Astington, J. and Olson, D, 1999)

The organisational culture is hereby playing a crucial role to improve the working environment and create circumstances which are friendly to each employee. For example, Google is a famous brand which focuses on managing organisational culture and in this regard, the company is efficient to develop diversify culture at the workplace. Google in this regard arrange cultural training to manage organisational culture and positive working practice at the workplace. The cultural training program are effective for the employees to understand the organisational culture, where the leader focuses on working in a traditional way, respecting each employee, managing integrity, positivity at the workplace as well as manage each other’s values and beliefs. It is mandatory for the leaders to manage the organisational culture, whereas employee is treated fairly and their values will be maximised well in near future. Hereby, the leader of Google is successful to create positive organisational culture where cultural diversity management, respect and integrity and friendly working atmosphere further raise the cure of the firm and lead the people successfully (Papa et al., 2018).

P 1.3 Analyze how organisational policies and procedures impact on people in organisations

The organisations are not run solely by it. There is in need of various policies. The policies are quite important to know. The organisational policies along with some procedures are developed to run a company smoothly. It's obvious that they are like the engine of any company. Let's have a look at the impact of these policies in a company:

At first, the workforce development is done through such policy. Workforce is key assets. To utilise them at its best the proper policy is needed. (Tracy, B, 2014) For that reason, company may rely on that for every decision. For developing them, an annual or prefixed scheduled policy of training or improvement policy is needed. Secondly, talent management is done through such policy. (Team Performance Management, 2009) Talents are needed to be retained by company. They are the best souls for co. To retain them, the policy is needed to build up. Thirdly, the incentives as well as several reward-based schemes are built up through the usage of policy. People know what are the ways he or she can gain incentive and reward. This just motivates them to successfully operate the company. Fourthly, the engagement of community can be another impact. The engagement of several communities like all stakeholders under an umbrella can be a significant way to improve. For example: The meet up of suppliers with our employees etc. This just illustrates the speed of work. Fifthly, the environment has become a crucial issue. The responsibility to environment is getting increased. So, to sustain that task, we need more policy. The companies easily can run policy to save environment by reducing carbon di oxide emission, not throwing wastage to rivers etc. (Tracy, B, 2014). Sixthly, the work practices of the organisation are defined through such policy. Company may have various sorts of policies of working. Those need to say in policy in details. For example, the scope of flexibility in working can be an important tool which should be mentioned in policy. Seventhly, the equality or the diversification as well as inclusion can be other impact. The policy helps to define the equality among various religion, gender or ethnics. It may define disables are inspired to be joining here as they are also part of this society.

There are some impact factors such as:

Firstly, the power hold by the individuals can be an important factor. As they are more having such power, they are more prone to having more liability to accomplish the task. Secondly, leadership influence capability comes. (Zelazo, P., Astington, J. and Olson, D, 1999) The wider the span of control, the higher control methods work. Thirdly, the communication pipeline or channel creates the ease to communicate which help to go for further expanding of company efficiency. Fourthly the level of motivation has strong impact. The more team work is, the more they are motivated. From a research it is found more than 70% feel happy with team. Fourthly, the creativity is generated when people work in team. It’s obvious they don’t feel burdened and thus they can utilise their brain. (West, M, 2004) Finally, the structure of line management becomes more effective and efficient due to team focused organisation.

People management is essential for the organisations in the recent era of globalisation, where the leader must focus on encouraging diverse workforce for improving creativity and innovation. In his regard, Apple Inc. is one of the famous creative brands in the electronics and telecommunication industry and the company focuses on managing people through developing organisational policies and practice. Apple implemented the minimum wage legislations as well as restructures the salary for the staff. It provides proper performance related pay and incentives on the organisational performance (Benny and Abraham, 2020). The company is also efficient to manage their staff by encouraging their creativity and motivating them through providing health and safety at workplace. Additionally, Apple also manages responsibility and fulfils the commitment towards their staff by providing monetary incentives as well as giving suitable workplace to performance better. Continuous motivation and equality and diversity management at workplace further help the leader of Apple to manage the diverse workforce across the globe and maximise their performance.

P 2.1 Assess approaches to managing the performance of individuals

Individual is a very wide topic. Because it has a strong aptitude of arena. An individual can be thousand types of, or many more that. Because individual is created with lots of variations. Individuals have to endure lots of variations in choosing, in personalities, in beliefs. The differences are acute in many other aspects as well. But at below, the differences are described in various aspects: Firstly, the Knowledge based differences. An individual can be a small token of knowledgeable. whereas other can be highly. But the arena of knowledge varies. Someone has good knowledge in marketing, whereas other one is finance based highly knowledgeable person. (Tracy, B, 2014) With that one, skills as well as experience varies a lot. A person maybe is skilled in machinery-based work, or labour task. But he is poor in handling a company, like managerial skills. On contrary a person may be able to lead a company, but fail to address the important lifesaving skill. This is truth for everyone. A person cannot be skilled at everything. The experiences vary as people face any situation and take the experience through it. Secondly, the attitude of individual varies a lot. Some people are highly attitude bearer, whereas some others are less. Some have guts to do something, while others don't prefer to do. (Team Performance Management, 2009) Thirdly the personality also refers to be changed. If we look at the aspect of personality, a person may have highly angry person with a leading attitude over others. The brother of him may be a smiley person who always tries to be submissive. He may love to hide himself and live his own life. Whereas the previous one brother loves to take the risk and tackle all problems. Fourthly, the culture is another key factor. The cultural belief changes from person to person. One Indian person loves to invite others and enjoy the time. And also loves to do delay while giving any appointment. But a British may not love that. He may love to walk out at right time and less chilling mind with highly working attitude. (Leicher, V. and Mulder, R, 2016) Finally, the religion as well as beliefs also vary. A Muslim has some beliefs which are different from other religion like a Hindu or Christian. So it differs. A Muslim doesn't take wine, whereas other religions have no such restrictions. Thus, the belief and religions create a different aspect.

Management of individual is very important to know. The individuals are much more concerned about themselves. So, it's an urge to manage their performances based on various ways, which are on below: Firstly, the Theory X and theory Y which shows the two side of controlling performance. (Margerison, C, 2001) According to X theory, control is done through toughness. Here employees are punished & constrained to do any task. Whereas theory Y suggests the performance management based on less controlling with more motivation. Here employees are inspired through good advices or some other peaceful ways. Secondly, the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs suggests having the control over individual based on 5 stages of needs. They are- Genetic, safety focused, social, self-esteem and finally, self-actualization. Thirdly, the contingency based theory suggests taking any action with having a backup plan. If the actual plan fails, the ways they can tackle that. Fourthly, the Herzberg’s theory comes. Here two factors basis control is done. (Psychology Today, 2019) The satisfied ones are controlled using motivating factors. Whereas dissatisfied are treated with hygiene factors. Finally, the famous Hawthorne studies come. Here the studies are shown how to control the performances based on significant way of proper performance measurement.

P 2.2: Explain the steps needed to create and maintain effective teams.

Team is a very renowned concept now days. The team-based works are getting famous for the widespread success rate. It's quote: One's burden, Tens success. So, team is very necessary for any organisational task. Now, we need to know how a team is created and managed. This is very important for all firms. The ways are on below: At first, a goal is set up. It's the center point on the basis of which future tasks are run and operated. A plan is made to achieve that easily. Plan is the ways described how when what can be achieved where for which reason. Secondly, the goal-based functions go on next step. (Tracy, B, 2014) The getting to buy type in step comes in. The individual tries to figure out the important features for a team. Thirdly, the individual strengths, weaknesses, and team roles are analyzed. This is crucial. An individual maybe too much talented. But he perhaps is not suitable for any task. That's why, this thing comes in. Fourthly, the most important thing occurs. The core model is developed. The Tuckman model shows appropriately how the team is developed. This is how we need to know. Initially the team forming occurs based on certain criteria to achieve a certain goal. Then, storming is done to achieve goal based on a plan. (Leicher, V. and Mulder, R, 2016) Then, norming is done to formally accumulate all group tasks. Finally, team performs functioning everything. Fifthly, the staffs are needed to motivate. That's why, some tools to be taken, like: promotion, reward, financial assistance, tour etc. Sixthly, the performance needs to be measured and the highest performing teams need to be recognized.

The management styles are mentioned already. They have significant impact on various issues. They are given below:

At first, the motivation effect comes in. Management style has separate way of motivation. Some management aspect loves to motivate strongly through financial benefits. But whereas, others love to motivate through words, good techniques, scopes etc. (Psychology Today, 2019) Secondly, the creativity is an important aspect in management style. People love to do that using their creative mind. Management style fixes whether there is a scope of creativity or not. If yes, how the creative thoughts are impacted. Thirdly, the trust as well as respect issue comes. Management defines how the trust has to be and how someone should respect in what extent to others within company. (Team Performance Management, 2009) Fourthly, the productivity of people is ensured by proper monitoring. Management style defines how productivity should be running and at which extent. Finally, the commitment issue comes. Management decides how committed you are is needed to be justified.

For example, Microsoft as a famous company in the electronics and telecommunication industry is successful to manage their people, as the employees are the major stakeholders to run the brand efficiently and satisfy their customers. The performance related pay is there where the employees can earn more by performing efficiently. Moreover, there is employment bonus and incentives at the workplace which further motivates the employees. The company also tries to fulfil the health safety at workplace as well as provide job security to each employee. Microsoft’s employment documentation and the protection of the personal data of the staff are strong which further develops trust and loyalty among the staff members at the workplace. The company is also efficient to fulfil the needs of self esteem and self actualisation by providing recognition and sense of achievement at the workplace. The major steps that Microsoft focuses to create an effective team are enhancing internal communication and operations among the employees, building trust and loyalty, improving internal working practice, sharing the important organisational information, respecting all the employees and empowering them in the organisational decision making behaviour. These strategies are effective at Microsoft to manage the people and develop a good team (Draper et al., 2017).

2M1 Evaluate the external factors which impact on the management of individuals and teams

Let’s have look at the external factors, which have impact on individual and teams. But it’s an urge to know that same external factor can impact on both individual and group simultaneously.

At first, the economic situation issue arrives. There are so many issues related to it. If we look at the plan, we will be able to see the labour availability is a key factor of production. Another is the full employment scenario exists or not. (Psychology Today, 2019) The existing interest rate can be another factor to think of along with the running inflation or deflation. The macro policies such as fiscal policy taken by government as well as monetary policy taken by central bank have width impact on company decision as well as individual mentality to work.

Secondly, the infrastructure or availability of transportation comes. These facilities help individual to quickly come in office or job place. Along with that, they may prefer to complete task appropriately due to having proper infrastructure. (Margerison, C, 2001)

Thirdly, the legislation of a country has good impact. For example: the minimum wage fixed by government helps the employees to lead a life happily. The policy of immigration defines how quickly or easily a person can go to other country and helps to gain success in life. Maternity or paternity leave and working hours also have good impact on performance of the labour and in this regard, for example, Apple has strong employment rules and the company is successful to implement the legislation to create values for the staff.

Fourthly, the education issue comes. The easier access to higher education leads to have more experienced and educated people for jobs. Company have lots of options for a post. Also, the tuition fee for education has impact. A less amount leads to high number of students and vice-versa. In house coaching facility leads to such strong facility based educated people as well. (Tracy, B, 2014)

There are various unions. The membership on those union helps to do business very efficiently with lots of benefits. The industrial bloom occurs. (Psychology Today, 2019)

Finally, the political condition occurs. The internal or external conflict reigns within a country, instable political state, less religious belief and bonding lead to bad condition for individuals and team both. On the other hand, due to political stability in the UK and other international countries, the companies like Apple and Microsoft are successful to run their business sustainably.

2D1 Analyze the management of teams and individuals through strategic organisational change

The management method or style is very important for any sort of organisation. It's obvious that the styles are vary from person to person, company to company. But there are some broad classifications of them. Now, we will see the impact of those styles of managerial management, to understand through strategic changes in organisation. The issues are on below:

Firstly, the trait theory comes. It is basically analysis of human psychology. The psychological changes occur based on emotion, behaviour or thought level. With this, the management may manage the employees or teams to perform by analyzing these factors in various aspects. (West, M, 2004) Secondly, the behavioural approach comes which is based on human behaviour. Human tends to behave various in various moods. So, this theory suggests analyzing and leading them with the key trend. This helps to analyze the human behaviour (individual or group) and to get the best output. Thirdly, the contingency approach is based on backup plan. It tells to have extra plan UN case of core plan failure. (Tracy, B, 2014) This helps management to decide how to handle employees and team in various situations. Fourthly, the autocratic, or democratic or laissez faire approach issue need to be analyzed. The autocratic thinks of dominance. Democratic thinks of the subordinates as well in the aspect of decision. Laissez faire is of economic aspect. These help to define how to decide any conclusion and easier to know the strategic impact at any situations. (Margerison, C, 2001) Fifthly, it suggests Hersey as well as Blanchard situational theory which suggest thinking of several factors in leadership, i.e. relationship, profitability, outward impact etc. to judge strategic managerial aspect. Sixthly, the charismatic leadership is thought based on the influence of good words or deeds. This helps to change any strategic aspect of company with less hassle. Finally, the Tannenbaum and Schmidt shows the relationship between freedom and output, authority and output. So, this model helps to let know the probable impact and extent of such freedom or authority to subordinate or groups to get a strategic output. Through the strategic change principles, the leader of Google focuses on managing change, where the organisational management team try to share the important information about the organisation with all the employees, create necessity of change at the workplace, empower the individuals and respect their decision to lead the changes successfully (Knies and Leisink, 2018).

The strategic change is important to develop the organisational tactics for managing their employees. The change activities such as managing the customers, promoting the brand, sales activities are effective for the organisations to manage their functions. The departments are responsible to handle the change of the organisation as well as manage the stakeholders as well. For example, Microsoft as a famous brand manages their changed functions through developing corrective working practice and sharing the information of the company with all the staff. The organisation is efficient to handle their stakeholders by managing strong corporate relationship, where the team is efficient to fulfil the requirements of the stakeholders, and give them support and create values for them through changed initiatives.

Analysing of the different elements of the marketing process

The key elements of marketing are price, promotion; product and place and there are other elements such as process, physical evidence and people. Through these factors, it is possible for the organisations to develop their strategies to sustain in the market. Product and price are mandatory to design in the organisation in order to manage their operations. Developing diversified products, managing quality products as well as setting affordable price is the major strategies to establish the organisation. On the other hand, the companies try to place their products at the market, by strengthening their supply chain and developing distribution network to deliver the products to the customers. Promotional activities such as digital media advertisement, television advertisement, word of mouth and sending email and social campaign are also effective activities to promote the company in the market.

Evaluating the benefits of segmenting markets

Market segmentation is important for the organisations to target the audiences, where the purchase intention is high. The importance of market segmentation is to retain the customers for long run, strengthen customer’s base, enhance sales value and generate profitability. Through segmenting the customer base in the market, the organisation can target the right customers and satisfy them by delivering the quality products and services as per their needs and preferences. For example, the organisation Apple also focuses on market segmentation to identify the customers who have high intention to make purchase decision for the products and services of Apple. The organisation is beneficial by such market segmentation to retain the loyal customers for long and strengthen their customer’s base across the international market. Hereby, the companies like Microsoft and Apple, can gain high competitive advantage in the market through such market segmentation where they are able to strengthen their customer’s base and run the operational activities strategically.

P 3.1 Analyze the different training and development approaches used by organisations to attract, develop, improve individuals and teams

There is various ways training and development is done to the employees of any organisations. This is very important to know that the three are not any single method to train up or develop any individual. So, the most effective and cost efficient and most appropriate method needs to be chosen. The methods are described below:

Firstly, the talent management comes at this. The talent is managed through various sorts of innovative works and nurturing. The real talents are taken care based on future growth of that person. But the talent is managed by lucrative offerings and growth of salaries as well as fringe benefits. (Team Performance Management, 2009) Secondly, the workshops as well as conferences of training are of another very popular method. Here lots of people are gathered to know what to do and how to do. The lecturer or trainer just tells with his words based on several examples. Thirdly, the new trend of train up comes in that is online based training. The employees train the workers based on several factors. The internet access, time wastage possibility etc. The learner can get to the website and learn the necessary things from online tutorial or teaching. As a trainer, it's obvious to know how the viewer will react and make sure it remains more vigilant. (West, M, 2004) Fourthly, the traditional Books along with various websites can be mentionable. Books are the best friends for learning. So, these can be a way of train up and development. The learner learns from the books to enrich knowledge. And this will enhance the productivity. Fifthly, the center for policy dialogue (CPD) can be another way to learn. Here, the learner can learn in group discussion and seminars. Here famous persons or analysts or economists may come and teach with real life data. Sixthly, the membership with any sort of professional body helps to shine in. The degrees like CA, CFA, ACCA, CIMA etc. help to have more knowledge at specific arena. These help to know more in depth, with more examples. Seventhly, the sharing of good practices to others can be a good way of learning and develop. (Margerison, C, 2001) Eighthly, the celebration of achievement as well as success can be another way. When someone else appreciates your work, appreciates your success, it inspires you to do more. Thus, anyone can develop himself. Ninthly, the coaching along with the mentoring done by professionals or experts can be important ways to learn and develop. The experts train by staying with that person. He or she suggests and shows how to do with what thing. (Curseu, P., 2015). Tenthly, the Work placement and exchange, job shadowing are other some ways. The right way of job placement, the job rotation, job reversion etc. helps to the employees how to deal with each situation. Finally, the qualifications and the enrichment of those can be ways of learning. For example, Microsoft and Apple arrange training and development activities at the workplace to educate the workforce and encourage diverse workforce in the business for more innovation and creativity. Both the firms try to arrange offline training program by conference and group discussion, where the employees can take active part. On the job training is also effective in both the firm to educate the employees and enhance their technical skill through working in the organisation. Induction process is another important training and development program which is helpful for the staff to gather information and understanding for better performance. Both the firms also arrange online training program to support personal and professional development of the staff members.

3M1 Assess the effect of incentives and rewards on the development of individuals and teams

The effect of training as well as development are widespread. You cannot measure the impact properly because of its wideness. the effect can be talked based on two levels. One is individual and another is organisation. The conveniences of training as well as development are given below from 2 aspects:

Firstly, let’s look at the basis of individuals:

At first, people get to have self-actualization that he or she has done anything perfectly. Training helps to realize how much potentially one can develop himself or herself. It helps to understand or actually realize by thyself the fulfilment of any work. Secondly, the motivation gets increased when one-person is trained. Because he or she thinks company considers himself or herself as an asset and that's why, they are training him or her. So, it motivates to work hardly. Thirdly, training helps to develop the talents in well manner. Talents are the real gold if co. So, they are needed better treatment and nurture. (Margerison, C, 2001) That's why, training gives a scope for this. Finally, the regular promotion along with higher or enriched pay as well as fringe benefits help to grow by training and development.

Now let's look this on the aspect of organisations:

Firstly, organisations able to see the productivity are to be increased. Productivity is a crucial for company, which is ensured through training. Secondly, the workforce of any company can be chosen who are best suitable and the bests are ultimately retained by companies. Thirdly, the profit is enhanced by training. (Zelazo, P., Astington, J. and Olson, D, 1999) As company can earn a lot through its efficiency and talents are retained, profit gets increased. Finally, company easily gets to have high profit which leads to various sorts of incentives as well as rewards for company.

The incentive structure at Microsoft is effective to retain the long run staff members, where the yearly bonus as well as performace related pay is influencing the employees at work efficiently and gain higher. On the other hand, the leader of Google also focuses on giving incentives and monetary rewards, where they are successful to retain experienced employees at the workplace and run the organisational activities in long run (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020). Hereby, the reward and incentive structure are effective to create a successful team, where the team members are encouraged to perform better and contribute positively to maximise the organisational values.

3D1 Assess the contribution of the application of motivational theories on the development of individuals and teams

The contribution of motivational theories to the development of individuals and teams is noteworthy. The reason is simple due to the presence of strong motivation, people tend to work hard. It’s obvious. The impact of such theirs is below:

At first, the employees feel they are representative of company due to such facilities. Delegation comes from here. The employees feel they are small part of owner of company. (West, M, 2004) Then, the review of performance becomes easier. As the motivated works a lot, their performance can be evaluated. Whereas a faulty motivational toll also can be identified if lots of employees still work like previous after giving motivation. Finally, the incentives as well as rewards are given based on those. (Margerison, C, 2001)

The motivational theories are effective which influence the leaders to encourage the staff members by developing proper strategies planning. As per the motivational strategies, it is necessary to fulfil the basic needs and preferences of the employees. The leader of the organisations such as Google and Apple as well as Microsoft focuses on managing the motivational activities at the workplace to develop proper teamwork and retain the experienced staff in long run (Liao and Ai Lin Teo, 2018). The motivational theories are also effective for the leaders of the organisations to identify the factors including monetary and non-monetary to create values for the employees at the organisational workplace. All the leaders of the multinational corporate firms aim at managing diverse workforce by providing them monetary incentives, salary, performance related pay as well as non-monetary rewards such as health and safety at workplace, suitable organisational culture, diversity management, empowerment of the staff and freedom to work (Knies et al., 2020). These strategies of motivation further provide a scope to the individuals to fulfil their needs and secure future job position as well as they are interested to contribute positively in the organisation by enhancing their performance so that it would be possible to achieve the organisational goal.

P 4.1 Describe people management strategies in a chosen organisation

People are the key thing of a company. To manage them is also very crucial to do. For managing them, there are several strategies can be applicable. The most renowned ones should be focused to launch the final project. The managerial strategies for people control are on details below:

Firstly, the working environment of companies has to be considered. The environment is the key role player in this aspect. The working environment helps to know how the employees should work and how well they actually performed at what situation. It helps to know the reason of defaults or success. It helps to identify the overall controlling scope. Secondly, the management as well as leadership way are compilation of factors to manage people. (Curseu, P., 2015). There are several management and leadership styles. They need to be recognized. Like some leadership traits help to control subordinates with full authority, whereas some traits show the self- dominance. So, the decision making also shows such differences. Thirdly, the structure of company also lets people to manage the company efficiently. Companies may have various traits, but most favourable ones are chosen through such strategy. Strategies help companies like, Alibaba, Google to structure the company so that the management can be done effectively. Fourthly, the culture can be another aspect. It helps to know how people do react at any occasion which is kind of tradition of beliefs, customs etc. (West, M, 2004) Fifthly, the opportunities of staff development are of another way of people management strategy where staffs are controlled through proper techniques. Sixthly, the most flexibility in working practices can be another factor, where working scope has relaxation, whenever one wants to work another phase of time - it is given. (Zelazo, P., Astington, J. and Olson, D, 1999) Seventhly, the ethical implication has another aspect where ethics-based work helps to manage the performances of employees. Lastly, the corporate social responsibility makes it easier to have such agenda to manage the people effectively to work for the betterment of society.

For example, the people management strategy at Google is effective and it is one of the leading companies employing a huge numbers of staff at the workplace. There are many geographical locations of the organisation, where the management team is successful to manage the workforce. The major strategy of Google to handle the diverse workplace is developing partnership working practice at the organisation. Google focuses on enhancing communication and cooperation for managing the people and leading them towards achieving success. The leader is cooperative and directive who support all the employees efficiently by training and development program, giving flexible workplace, incentives and providing harmony and freedom at the organisation (Chung, and D’Annunzio-Green, 2018). The leader of Google is hereby successful to manage strong employee base by managing their salary and monetary incentive, giving the employees the chance to work life balance, providing personal and professional development scope.

P 4.2 Assess the impact of people management strategies on individuals and teams in a chosen organisation

There are several strategies for enhancing the performance of employees. They are given below with impact:

At first, some kind of incentives which can be a key issue. Or the bonus schemes provided by company. Also, the rises of incremental along with the enhanced job satisfaction can create such performance improvement. Secondly, the organisational improvement i.e. good working environment, A/C addition etc. can help to enhance performance. Finally, the productivity of organisation can act as key factor to improve on. The productive workers, productive machinery lead to productive company.

We have talked about several people management strategies. Now, we need to look at the impacts on the several ways. They are on below with impact:

Firstly, the individuals or teams have strong impact on performance. The individuals gain popularity through the strategy following. Teams can easily follow and can get success in works. Secondly, the performance of people gets easily judged through this technique. (Curseu, P., 2015). The employees get to see those in depth. They are judged and ultimately, they can give their best in performance. Thirdly, the strategies help to know who are the best staffs. So, the best suited are retained for company for long term. Finally, the employee becomes satisfied due to the impact of such tools and also the employee gets easily the view of future growth and more rewards and remuneration (Zelazo, P., Astington, J. and Olson, D, 1999).

Hence, the people management strategies are crucial impacts on the individuals and also on the organisations. The people management strategies are effective for the employees at the workplace, the employees of Apple are satisfied with the organisational polices and practice, as Apple is successful to create values for them (Singh et al., 2019). On the other hand, the employees of Google are satisfied with the diverse culture of Google and they feel valued at the workplace. The strategy to provide harmony at the workplace and freedom to choose the working hours are also effective at Google, where the individuals try to contribute their full potential and be motivated with the organisational structure. In this regard, Apple focuses on providing training and development program where the individuals are beneficial to gather more in depth understanding and improve their technical skill to perform better in near future. Hereby the employees can maximise their personal and professional development as well as they can fulfil their basic needs and preferences and improve efficacy to achieve professional goal. On the other hand, the organisational policies to mange people are also advantageous for the organisations itself. For example, Apple is the most successful brand in the electronics market, where they have strong employee base with skilled workforce, engineers and software developer and designers (Bakotić and Rogošić, 2017). The organisation is successful to manage their position in the global market and achieve sustainable development with products innovation and creativity. Strong employee base is one of the success factors of Apple, where the organisation is efficient to manage strong employee base and conduct the operational activities efficiently. Hereby, the organisations such as Apple, Google and Microsoft are successful to manage their market share at the global economy and they are efficient to run their operational activities in long run by managing their people at the workplace. Through people management, the organisations are also able to enhance creativity and innovation to run their business in a unique way and gain high competitive advantage.

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So, from overall analysis shows the impact of team management with its importance. The team management is a renowned concept now and lots of renowned companies like Apple, Google use this a lot.

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