Investigating Psychology


The current study focuses on determining if there is a statistically significant difference between people who meditate and those who do not. Although a number of studies have been carried out on the given topic a number of times in the past, this study focuses on determining the extent of difference between people who meditate and those who do not. The results of the t-test shows that the average of those who meditated was 76.84 and those who did not, the mean was 63.83. As per the test, the p-value came out to be 0.0004, which is less than the critical alpha value of 0.05. On this basis, it can be said that there is a statistically significant difference between the participants who meditated and those who did not.




Meditation has emerged to become an important part of the modern-day life. An increasing number of people are turning to meditation as a way for reducing their stress and anxiety levels, while many people are making it a part of their daily routine (Dahl & Lutz). Today many studies are being conducted on a regular basis that focus on assessing the effectiveness of meditation as a way of life for people and also as a means for enabling them to lead a healthy life. According to Lee & Kulubya (2018), doing meditation helps in reducing the stress levels, while Lomas (2015) argues that it helps people in connecting with their inner self. There are a number of benefits of doing meditation.

In view of Unsworth & Palicki (2016), doing regular meditation helps people to become more focused, an ability which they require in the current hyper-competitive environment. It is imperative for the people that they be able to concentrate and focus more on their work, so that they can complete their tasks on time and in the prescribed manner only. Failure to do so can have a significant negative impact on their professional life and prove to be a hinderance in their professional careers (Fredrickson, 2017). One of the key benefits of meditation is that it helps in giving a sense of calmness to the people and also gain peace and balance, thereby promoting their emotional well-being.

Sampaio & Sanches (2017) found that there is a direct relationship between meditation and treatment of illnesses. The author further stated that meditation tends to help enhancing the effectiveness of treatment of illnesses that the people might be suffering from. Through meditation, the people can lead a healthy life. Meditation is the constant interaction of preparing your brain to centre and divert considerations. The notoriety of contemplation is expanding as more individuals find its numerous medical advantages. One can utilize it to expand attention to themselves and their environmental factors (Cebolla, 2017). Numerous individuals consider it an approach to lessen pressure and create focus. Individuals likewise utilize the training to create other advantageous propensities and emotions, like a positive state of mind and standpoint, self-restraint, solid rest designs, and even expanded torment resilience

The current study focuses on determining if there is a statistically significant difference between people who meditate and those who do not. Although a number of studies have been carried out on the given topic a number of times in the past, this study focuses on determining the extent of difference between people who meditate and those who do not.


In the current study quantitative design has been used. The main reason for selecting this design was that it enabled the scholar to collect large amounts of data in a small amount of time (Vieten & Wahbeh, 2018). Furthermore, using a quantitative design enabled the scholar in getting a better and effective understanding about the research topic. In addition to this, the researcher also used a questionnaire to collect data related to the subject matter. Apart from this, the current study included 130 participants who were asked to fill the questionnaire survey. In addition to this, the researcher also collected and used secondary data. Such data was collected by accessing past journals and articles and published over the years. Collecting and using such data enabled the scholar in developing a sound understanding about the subject matter.



Mean age of the participants, as per the above table was 35.13 years, while the standard deviation was 171.96; and the minimum and maximum ages were 18 years and 41 years respectively.

Inferential Statistics

A t-test was performed in the current study to determine if there is any statistically significant difference between those who meditated and those who did not. A total of 33 participants stated that they meditate while 97 participants did not meditate. The results of the t-test shows that the average of those who meditated was 76.84 and those who did not, the mean was 63.83. As per the test, the p-value came out to be 0.0004, which is less than the critical alpha value of 0.05. On this basis, it can be said that there is a statistically significant difference between the participants who meditated and those who did not. nk0203


Meditation can be characterized as a type of mental preparing that intends to improve a person's centre mental limits, like attentional and enthusiastic self-guideline. Contemplation envelops a group of complex practices that incorporate care reflection, mantra contemplation, yoga, jujitsu and chi gong (Cebolla, 2017). Of these practices, care contemplation — regularly depicted as non-judgemental consideration regarding present-second encounters has gotten most consideration in neuroscience research in the course of recent many years. Despite the fact that reflection research is in its earliest stages, various examinations have explored changes in cerebrum actuation (very still and during explicit undertakings) that are related with the act of, or that follow, preparing in care contemplation. These examinations have announced changes in numerous parts of mental capacity in fledgling and progressed meditators, solid people and patient populace (Unsworth & Palicki, 2016).

Various cross-sectional examinations uncovered contrasts in cerebrum construction and capacity related with contemplation (Vieten & Wahbeh, 2018). Albeit these distinctions may comprise preparing prompted impacts, a cross-sectional investigation configuration blocks causal attribution: it is conceivable that there are previous contrasts in the minds of meditators, which may be connected to their premium in reflection, character or demeanour (Cebolla, 2017). Albeit correlational examinations have endeavoured to find whether more contemplation experience is identified with bigger changes in mind design or capacity, such relationships actually can't demonstrate that reflection practice has caused the progressions since it is conceivable that people with these specific cerebrum qualities might be attracted to longer contemplation practice.

Contemplative science has archived a plenty of intrapersonal benefits coming from reflection, remembering increments for dark matter thickness, positive effect, and improvement in different psychological wellness results. Strikingly, be that as it may, significantly less is thought about the relational effect of reflection (Lee & Kulubya, 2018). Albeit Buddhist lessons propose that increments in merciful reacting ought to be an essential result of contemplation, minimal logical proof backings this guess. Indeed, even as researchers have analyzsed the impacts of reflection on prosocial activity, the ends that can be attracted as for empathy have been restricted by plans that need constant individual to-individual cooperation fixated on anguish (Lomas, 2015). Past work, for instance, has used meditators' self-detailed aims and inspirations to carry on in steady habits toward others and PC based financial games expecting collaboration to evaluate unselfish activity. Such strategies have proposed that reflection may increment summed up prosocial reacting however have not plainly, and dispassionately measured reactions implied exclusively to moderate the enduring of others. The need to examine the difficulties of contemplation for local area populaces is increased by the way that such professionals will frequently be rehearsing freely (e.g., alone at home), outside the steady design of clinical intercessions, for example, care-based mediations (Unsworth & Palicki, 2016). Such intercessions are progressively run via prepared specialists with either some clinical preparing, or subsidiary to establishments, like colleges, with morals conventions set up.

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Cebolla, A. (2017). Unwanted effects: Is there a negative side of meditation? A multicentre survey. PloS one, e0183137.

Dahl, C., & Lutz, A. (n.d.). Reconstructing and deconstructing the self: cognitive mechanisms in meditation practice. Trends in cognitive sciences , 2015

Fredrickson, B. (2017). Positive emotion correlates of meditation practice: A comparison of mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation. Mindfulness, 1623-1633.

Lee, D., & Kulubya, E. (2018). Review of the neural oscillations underlying meditation. Frontiers in neuroscience, 178.

Lomas, T. (2015). A qualitative analysis of experiential challenges associated with meditation practice. Mindfulness, 848-860.

Sampaio, C., & Sanches, V. (2017). Meditation, health and scientific investigations: review of the literature. Journal of religion and health, 411-427.

Unsworth, S., & Palicki, S.-K. (2016). The impact of mindful meditation in nature on self-nature interconnectedness. Mindfulness, 1052-1060.

Vieten, C., & Wahbeh, H. (2018). Future directions in meditation research: Recommendations for expanding the field of contemplative science. PloS one, e0205740.

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