Research Report on the Software engineering


Software engineering is a scientific field that is relatively new because not much research has been conducted on this topic. This is a programming and designing field of computer science. Therefore, the work of a software engineer is to design, edit, or change the software to import or maintain its functionality. However, this field has existed since 1948 and has made many scholars realize that it is among the important fields of computing. As far as we could know, the most recent paper of the yearly review of distributions in frameworks and programming from 1994 has not been distributed till now, notwithstanding the lack of many reports on the regions of programming like spry programming improvement (Santos, Magalhães, and da Silva, 2017). The vast majority of software engineering design studies expect working in the product of industry because it provides job flexibility, worthwhile career options, and enormous growth. There are many MNCs and new companies that employ computer programmers as software engineers and designers, as well as manual and robotisation analyzers (Russo and Stol, 2021). Mechanical, electrical, hardware, and correspondence engineers are likewise giving inclination to the product business (Runeson, Engström, and Storey, 2020).


Open research question

Several primary studies in the subject of software engineering have been done in recent years, accompanied by an increase in methodology. In most situations, however, software is constructed with technologies for which developers lack adequate data to prove its inherent applicability, limitations, quality, prices, and hazards. It is difficult to predict if the change in software processes will be for the better. Research summaries may be able to give the processes required to assist practitioners in adopting acceptable and avoiding inappropriate technology. As a result, the advancement of synthetic research in this subject is still a study topic that needs to be researched and might provide several advantages. There are few attempts in this domain that challenge how adopting the evidence method will assist Software Engineering. Runeson, Engström, and Storey, (2020) use an analogy with medical practice to illustrate the viability of evidence-based Software Engineering. Nonetheless, systematic reviews are required in order to acquire evidence. As a result, Runeson, Engström, and Storey, (2020) expands on the concept of Evidence-Based Software Engineering by proposing a systematic review guideline fit for software engineering academics.

Software engineering is subdivided into sub-disciplines such as software design, requirement engineering, software configuration, software maintenance, software engineering tools, etc. Software as a service, or SaaS, has become an integral part of every business activity. For example, top companies like Netflix, Expedia, Slack, Nokia, etc. use Amazon Web Services to reach out to their customers (Runeson, Engström, and Storey, 2020). Some companies develop in-house software that is used for internal operations (later, the in-house software is released for commercial use). Mobile applications are another branch of the software industry that requires high-quality developers and coders for the development and maintenance of mobile apps (Runeson, Engström, and Storey, 2020). For all these reasons, the demand for software engineers is rising every day, and engineers from every branch are also trying to get into the software industry to support the rising demand. Apart from mainstream software jobs, the software industry also needs engineers in the support department to troubleshoot the problems of customers (Gay and Just, 2020).

Related work

In 1994, Robert Glass delivered the main report on the evaluation of frameworks and programming researchers and foundations (Santos, Magalhães, and da Silva, 2017). Because of the number of exploration papers distributed in six similarly positioned driving diaries, to be specific, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodologies, IEEE Software, Software: Practice and Experience (John Wiley and Sons), Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier), and Information and Software Technology (Elsevier), his review endeavoured to address the following two inquiries: (Runeson, Engström, and Storey, 2020) Who are the most widely distributed researchers in frameworks and computer programming? What are the most widely dispersed foundations?

Thus, such examinations have been distributed every year. Every one of them (Theisen, Dunaiski, Williams, and Visser, 2018) conveyed somewhere between 1994–1997, just analyzed the momentary distribution information (Portela et al., 2017). At (Molléri, Petersen, and Mendes, 2020) did such a review with five years of information. And afterwards, every one of the accompanying examinations (Dajsuren and van den Brand, 2019) covered the latest long-term time frame, to more precisely relate to those top researchers and organizations in this field. Such investigations found watchwords to be interesting in (Dajsuren and van den Brand, 2019). The creators sent an e-mail to every one of the top 15 researchers and requested that they give a set of catchphrases that best portray their examination centre inside the review time frame. For the watchwords gathered from those researchers, the examination demonstrated the variety and closeness of exploration subjects somewhat. Simultaneously, the creators originally examined the geographic appropriation of the Top 15 researchers, and they viewed that the greater part of the Top 15 researchers was from the United States of America (five), the Asia-Pacific locale (five) and Europe (four) (Molléri, Petersen, and Mendes, 2020).

Research approach

This research used systematic literature review to research and understands this topic. The research analyzed different publications from different researchers on this research topic to find out the importance of software engineering. Software engineering is the backbone of most organizations. It helps companies grow and develop. Software services are an important part of any organization, and without them, most organizations would fail in business today. Through software engineering, companies can protect and monitor their systems. Software engineering helps organizations manage and be able to reduce the complexity of any work or project.

Software engineering’s work is to divide problems or tasks into smaller sections and then start solving each problem one by one. Software engineering solves problems independently without combining those (Theisen et al., 2017). In addition, a team of software engineers is an enormous advantage to various organizations as they help organizations reduce and minimize costs. Through software engineering, organizations can be able to manage extensive projects; these projects take time to be completed because they need more time and patience. Software engineers are very reliable for organizations, and they increase the effectiveness of companies to make profits (Dajsuren and van den Brand, 2019).

One major disadvantage of software engineering for organizations is that they need to spend more on paying software engineers. This is because a lot of energy and manpower is needed to develop software. Also, technology is consciously advancing, and software engineers and organizations need to adopt new strategies. To give this research an effective approach, it is important to use data and diagrams to conduct the research. For a clear understanding, software engineering is all about illustrations. Also, it is important to include simple software engineering projects as part of the research as a way of giving the research a proper meaning. Without a theoretical framework, the research would not be meaningful (Theisen et al., 2017). That is why different theories will make this research successful. Also, requesting a team of professional software engineers to take part in the research interviews will be an added advantage to this research (Molléri, Petersen, and Mendes, 2020).

Personal investment

This career is very demandable in all organizations, which is why I decided to research this particular topic. I want to know more about software engineering and how I can perfect it or contribute to its success. As my field of interest, I believe that I have enough strength to make me do all the necessary information and requirements needed to make this research a success. My background in computer science will enable me to locate all of the pertinent information on software engineering. There is currently an increase in demand for software that has been designed with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in mind--this means you might need more hardware than just your standard laptop or PC with these types of programs. Overall, it's important to stay up-to-date on what new programming languages will be available, so you're able to utilize them in your code when applicable.

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Dajsuren, Y. and van den Brand, M., 2019. Automotive Systems and Software Engineering. Springer International Publishing.

Gay, G. and Just, R., 2020, October. Defects4J as a challenge case for the search-based software engineering community. In International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (pp. 255-261). Springer, Cham.

Molléri, J.S., Petersen, K. and Mendes, E., 2019. Cerse-catalog for empirical research in software engineering: A systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology, 105, pp.117-149.

Molléri, J.S., Petersen, K. and Mendes, E., 2020. An empirically evaluated checklist for surveys in software engineering. Information and Software Technology, 119, p.106240.

Portela, C., Vasconcelos, A., Oliveira, S. and Souza, M., 2017, November. The use of industry training strategies in a software engineering course: an experience report. In 2017 IEEE 30th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) (pp. 29-36). IEEE.

Runeson, P., Engström, E. and Storey, M.A., 2020. The design science paradigm as a frame for empirical software engineering. In Contemporary empirical methods in software engineering (pp. 127-147). Springer, Cham.

Russo, D. and Stol, K.J., 2021. PLS-SEM for Software Engineering Research: An Introduction and Survey. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 54(4), pp.1-38.

Santos, R.E., Magalhães, C.V. and da Silva, F.Q., 2017, November. Member checking in software engineering research: Lessons learned from an industrial case study. In 2017 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) (pp. 187-192). IEEE.

Theisen, C., Dunaiski, M., Williams, L. and Visser, W., 2017, May. Writing good software engineering research papers: Revisited. In 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C) (pp. 402-402). IEEE.

Theisen, C., Dunaiski, M., Williams, L. and Visser, W., 2018. Software engineering research at the international conference on software engineering in 2016. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 42(4), pp.1-7.

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