Cultural Competence in Social Work


Cultural competence refers to the process of the individuals working respectfully and effectively to response the people of all the culture, languages, social standards, races, ethnics, immigration status, religion, background and other diversity factors among the individuals (Truong et al., 2017). It is required to be culturally competent among the social workers in order to support the individuals mainly the adults and provide efficient services which would be beneficial to create values for the individuals, families and social communities as a whole (Allen, 2016). It further helps to preserve the dignity of the individuals and it provides a scope to the social workers to perform better and understand the professional code of conduct to participate productively in serving the social communities across the globe. The community social workers are working closely with the adult care homes where the wellbeing of the vulnerable adults can be maximised through delivering quality care and social care services to the individuals.


Cultural competence practice

Cultural competence is the practice to demonstrate the culture of the patient with diverse values, feelings and beliefs. Culturally competent is the ability to give value to the individuals and it is the ability to understand, communicate and cooperate with the people with effective interaction across different cultures. It encompasses of being aware about the cultural perspective of the individuals, so that his or her emotion cannot be hurt (Bennett and Gates, 2019). Developing positive attitude towards the cultural differences is the practice of the social workers where they try to maximise the professional code of conduct and create values for the adults at the adult care home by treating them efficiently and maximising their values and beliefs (Truong et al., 2017). It is important to be culturally competent by understanding and gathering more information about different culture, attend diversity focused conferences and learning more about the cultural diversity and management process. Cross cultural skill is hereby essential for the social workers to manage their responsibility and treat the vulnerable adults successfully. There are cross cultural management skill, through which the social workers try to manage their working responsibility and maintain diverse culture efficiently. Active listening and maintain etiquette are mandatory, where the social workers try to understand the perception of the vulnerable adults and encourage their thoughts and beliefs successfully (Azzopardi, 2020).

Additionally, interactive skill and cooperative practice are also effective for the social workers to work with culturally diverse environment and encourage the vulnerable adults to share their beliefs and perception for better understanding. For developing culturally competent practice in the social work practice, it is mandatory to collect the information about race, ethnicity and the language preferences of the vulnerable adults and understand their culture, values and beliefs as well as health and mental condition. Identifying and reporting the disparities as well as providing culturally and linguistically competent care are also effective to manage culturally diverse environment and encourage the vulnerable adults to cooperate and communities for better management and delivery of the high quality social work practice (Carpenter, 2016). Increasing diversity and minority workforce pipelines is also mandatory to improve culturally competent where it is possible for the social worker to manage their skill and abilities to perform better and maintain the culturally diverse environment successfully. Developing cross cultural competencies through creating attitude and values are mandatory, where respecting each adult at the care home is essential for treating them with care and integrity as well as develop efficient intervention planning (Nadan, 2017). Valuing cultural diversity and complexity is also mandatory for the social workers to perform better and encourage culturally diverse people to access the social work service.

Personal and professional development of the social workers is mandatory to improve personal skill and professional code of conduct to treat the people with respect and dignity and manage them efficiently. Acknowledgment of the complexities of the cultural identities and the experiences as well as understanding the notion of human rights further help the social worker to improve cultural competencies in working with diverse workforce and encourage the adults to share their perception and cooperate successfully (McGregor et al., 2018). Skill development through personal and professional skill developmental practice further influences the social work practice, where the organisational structure and social factor influence the social workers to be culturally sensitive and manage safety for the vulnerable adults in working with diverse culture (Bennett and Gates, 2019). Engaging in continual learning about culturally-respectful, empowering practice is also effective for developing cultural competencies, where the social workers try to empower the individuals and respect each culture. Apart from that, engaging critically, and with flexibility and curiosity, in cross-cultural activities further helps the social workers to interact with the vulnerable adults and understand their thoughts and culture successfully (Patil and Mummery, 2020). This further helps to improve strong bonding where the social workers can work comfortably with the vulnerable adults at the adult care home and contribute positively to maximise their values through intervention planning.

Knowledge about ethnicity, race and whiteness, diversity, racism and power are also effective to treat the people with diverse culture and manage them efficiently for creating values for them. Hence, social work education through skill development and knowledge gaining activities are effective for the social worker to work in the diverse culture and manage the vulnerable adults from different cultural background, language, ethnicity and race as well as different health and mental condition (Azzopardi and McNeill, 2016). Through continuous improvement of knowledge and skill related to cultural diversity, it is possible for the social workers to develop the idea of social justice and human rights and it further help them to manage the workforce and develop strong relationship between the practitioners and the vulnerable adults. For culturally competent policy practice, it s mandatory to identify resources which are knowledge and power relation in the majority and minority context of the state, knowledge of political process and policy framework, communication skill, personal attitude, professional practice which are effective for the social workers to manage the adults and maximise their values (Greene-Moton and Minkler, 2020). The social workers follow the principles of human rights and social justice as well as professional integrity to treat the diverse people equally.

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In order to manage ethical values, dignity, worth of the person and social justice sae managed well, as well as the care givers try to give importance to internal relationship, competence and integrity to perform efficiently and maximise their responsibility in the social working practice. Hereby, the major core values of the social work are service, social justice, integrity, dignity, and competence, worth of the vulnerable adults and importance and centrality of the human relationship. The social workers are hereby concerned about managing their professional values to serve the best quality care by managing the England professional standard so that the adults are treated equally and efficiently irrespective of their cultural diversity. There are also core principles, which are effective for the social workers to create values for the vulnerable adults irrespective of their cultural diversity and diverse health issues where the social workers are successful to manage cultural competence in the practice (Small, Nikolova, and Sharma, 2017). The principles are such as acceptance, individualisation, self-determination, confidentiality, controlled emotional involvement, non-judgmental attitude and purposeful expression of feelings. Acceptance of the culture is mandatory, where the social workers treat the vulnerable adults fairly by understanding their cultural diversity as well as individualised value should be maximised through individualisation so that the human rights of the person can be fulfilled (Byrne, Kirwan and Flavin, 2019). Additionally, self determination and confidentiality are also necessary to be managed well in serving the vulnerable adults in the adult care home with diverse culture. Purposeful expression of feeling for developing trust and loyalty as well as non-judgmental attitude further improve emotional bonding where the practitioners can involve with the vulnerable adults and give them the equal opportunity to access the care in a diverse culture (Caligiuri et al., 2019).

Professional code of social workers

Professionalism is one of the effective practices for the social workers to improve cultural competence and manage the patient efficiently. In this regard, as per the professional code of conduct, the social workers are accountable to the people using the services, public and the private employers and regulators. Effective supervision and being accountable are mandatory as well as the social workers try to manage transparency to serve the vulnerable adults with better and care and practice. Commitment towards the high quality services for the individuals further influence the social workers to fulfil their responsibilities and manage the professional code for better practice and management of the adults in a diverse culture, the social workers support to manage safety and security of the vulnerable adults and they try to maintain diverse workforce efficiently through communication and cooperation (Azzopardi and McNeill, 2016). Through continuous learning process, the social workers try to improve the cultural sensitivity and understand different cultural values and beliefs for managing the diverse adults. In addition to this, they try to improve emotional intelligence skill and the skill of inter personal to understand the perspective of the adults at the adult care home and cooperate with them positively (Nadan, 2017). Positive body language and non-judgemental attitude further helps the workers to cooperate with the people in diverse culture and enhance communication successfully. Recognising promoting the individuals rights and autonomy is also mandatory for the social workers to protect the vulnerable adults and create values for them. They try to maintain privacy and confidentiality to protect the individuals personalise data and information as well as they aim at managing their safety in the workplace to improve trust and loyalty (Testa, 2017). Proper cooperation and open communication further help to manage the diverse workplace where the social workers try to manage the vulnerable adults from different cultural background efficiently by improving understanding about their cultural beliefs and values. This further helps the professionals to understand their perception and cooperate with them to improve their values and satisfy them by delivering quality care.

Diversity management is mandatory for the social workers where they try to manage multi dimensional process by including different race, ethnicity, cultural, language gender, sexuality, and economic status. The legal rules such as Equality Act 201, as well as Human Rights Act are effective for the social workers to implement non-discrimination practice and manage the vulnerable adults successfully at the adult care home so that they are feeling valued and not discriminated in the care settings (Jani, Osteen and Shipe, 2016). Hence, human rights, promoting social justice and economic wellbeing are important for the social workers to maximise values for the vulnerable adults irrespective of their culture. In this regard, communication is playing a crucial role for the social workers to manage the service quality and standard where verbal and non-verbal communication with the adults are effective for the social workers to improve understanding and acknowledge their actual needs and preferences (Bai, Larimer and Riner, 2016). This further help to develop strong binding where the social workers are able to manage the divers people in the workspace. Through developing trust and loyalty and creating strong boding, it is easy for the social workers to treat the adults equally and create vales of them. Honesty and integrity management as well as promise keeping and trustworthiness are the professional codes of conduct where the social workers are bound to cooperate with the adults at the care home and manage them efficiently for fulfil their requirements. Additionally, fairness and managing transparency at the workplace are also effective to manage the diverse adults and serve them efficiently by protecting their cultural values and beliefs. Hereby, the professional code of conduct is effective to protect the social worker and improve their skill and abilities to perform with the culturally diverse people and manage the diverse environment successfully (Small, Nikolova, and Sharma, 2017). The social workers are also trying to manage individual dignity where treatment and services are given to all the vulnerable adults in the society respective of their diverse culture. Accountability and integrity as well as responsibility further create responsible environment, where the social workers are efficient to protect the interest of the vulnerable adults and cooperate with them for better management.

For being culturally competent, the social workers try to share all the necessary information with the adults at the adult care home as well as listen actively to the people’s opinion to understand their values and requirements. This further helps the care workers to acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the vulnerable adults and cooperate with them for better management. In this regard, the social workers are also trying to empower the patients efficiently and development conversation and discussion so that the Individual can share their requirements and this practice further helps to develop strong bonding where the workers can value the individual’s interest and work hard to maximise their requirements (Greene-Moton and Minkler, 2020). The empowerment of the individuals in this regard is effective to develop client centred care where the social workers try to identify their pinion and develop proper intervention planning to serve the vulnerable adults efficiently (Nadan, 2017). Hereby, the ethical code of conduct is important to manage the professional standard of the social workers as well as maximise the wellbeing of the vulnerable adults successfully by delivering high quality care. Hence, cultural competencies are helpful for the social care givers to understand the perspective of the vulnerable adults in the adult care home and analyse different cultural values and beliefs to serve the individuals with high quality care. The culturally competent environment can be managed by the skilled social workers where they are efficient to manage their professional code as well as utilise their skill to create values for the adults, who are vulnerable group in the society irrespective of their diversity in culture, ethnicity, race and language.

Impacts on culturally competent

It is necessary for the social worker to work with the adults from diverse cultural background, language and diversity in their race and ethnicity and thus the cultural competent is mandatory for the social workers at the Adult Social Care Home to be effective and aware about the variety of culture of the vulnerable adults living in the care home and support them with quality care services (Edwards, 2016). It further helps to promote fair treatment and care for the social communities, where the social workers can create values for the adults as a whole. The social care workers are also responsible to act professionally and manage the people irrespective of their cultural diversity and language gap. It is effective for maximising the quality of life of the vulnerable adults and it further will promote anti-oppressive and anti-discriminative practice where every individual can be treated equally with effective intervention planning (Bai, Larimer and Riner, 2016). The professional code of conduct as well as the cultural competent of the social workers is beneficial hereby to create values and maximise the wellbeing of the adults at the Adult Social Care Home in long run. The social workers have the attitude to understand other’s culture and have clear understanding abbot other’s cultural practice, values and beliefs and this attitude further help the social workers to manage their performed and serve the social communities efficiently. It further enhances the professional code of conduct of the social workers and managing the cultural competence in the social work practice is hereby advantageous for maximising values for the vulnerable adults and it further provides an opportunity to the social workers to assess the needs of the adults and understand their perception as per their values and beliefs. Diverse values, beliefs and behaviours can be delivered under the cultural competence management, where the social workers are able to manage the professional code of conduct and deliver high quality service to the vulnerable adults at the care home across different social communities (Danso, 2018). The above mentioned ethical code of conduct as well as the cultural competencies is effective of the social workers to acknowledge needs and preferences of the vulnerable adults and help them with the best possible care and services.

Through developing the cultural competencies, it is also possible for the social workers to give values to the tradition, cultural history, language and thoughts of the adults in the society. Improving cultural insights among the social workers is possible, where the workers can understand the practice of different culture and treat the vulnerable adults at the Adult Social Care Home accordingly and it further maximise the quality of care. Improved creativity and understanding the social care givers are also possible, where the social workers are efficient to work under diverse culture and improve understanding about the local community culture and the perceptions of the adults (Nadan, 2017). Through culturally competent, it is also possible to mitigate the unnecessary cultural barriers in the society and manage all the people efficiently and equally through managing cultural diversity. It is also effective to provide equal opportunity to the people with diverse culture to access the social working service for the benefits of the individuals. Cultural competencies are also beneficial for the social workers to work in the diverse workplace, where proper understanding can be developed among the team members and it further helps to improve collaboration and enhance communication in the team (Deardorff, 2017). The social working practice is a team working based activity, which needs to have proper workforce and the workers require being collaborative and thus the culture competence is beneficial for the social workers to manage culturally diverse workplace and cooperate with the vulnerable adults successfully. Respecting each other and improving integrity can also be possible through working in the divers working culture at Adult Social Care Home.

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Through the findings, it can be stated that, the culturally competent is mandatory for the social workers in working in the diverse environment. Through managing professional code of conduct in the social work practice as well as managing the social work practice in the diverse workforce, it is possible to manage the competencies among the social workers and it would be helpful for them to manage the quality of care and services and ensure maximisation of the values for the adults at the adult care home as a whole. The cultural competence helps the social workers to identify the ways to treat the social communities and maintain equality and diversity at the workplace to serve the vulnerable adults with high quality services. It is necessary for the social workers to have culturally competent to treat the social communities in the recent era of globalisation, where the England professional standards can be maintained properly. Additionally, the working ethics are maintained well, where the social workers are acknowledged about respecting the vulnerable adults and manage their cultural values and beliefs so that their personalise cultural beliefs cannot be deteriorated. For managing the cultural diversity in the social work practice, the social workers need to be culturally competent and gain the strategy to treat the social communities by managing equality and diversity at the workplace, creating intervention planning for them, providing equal opportunities, respecting each adult in the Adult Social Care Home and developing integrity to deliver high quality services.

Reference List

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