Enhancing IELTS Oral Proficiency

1. . Briefly outline the main focus of the research. What is it about? Why is it needed? (200-300 words)

Time is a critical aspect in information processing and critical in Second Language Acquisition. Evidence reveals that there is limited research concerning the impact of pre-task planning time on IELTS oral performance (Wigglesworth & Elder, 2010). The study reveals that a review on the impact of planning by Ellis (2005) demonstrates that planning is vital in promoting IELTS learners' spoken performance's complexity and fluency. However, the outcome concerning the accuracy is less consistent, though it is evident that planning also minimizes the incidence of error in individual speech (Karim & Haq, 2014; Li, 2019). The inconsistency is associated with several variables, including the nature of the tasks used to elicit learner speech and how these tasks are carried out. Moreover, the form of planning has been identified as very important, as demonstrated by Fernandez (2018). The study also reveals that the time allowed for planning also impacts the test's performance, with some speech factors improving after only one minute of planning time while others need a lot of time and planning.


Therefore, the current study aims to investigate the link between oral IELTS test planning time and proficiency. The study also aims to investigate the differences in performance based on the time allocated and the most efficient planning time.

Research Question:

1. Does the planning time duration make the variation in the performance oral IELTS TEST candidate?

2. How do IELTS learners utilize their strategic planning period?

3. What are the most efficient and effective techniques used in planning time?



Proficiency level

Planning time

2. Briefly outline the methodology you plan to use. Tell us how you will collect and analyze data (200 words).


The study will conduct primary research. The study participants are language student male and female Saudi in the UK who take the IELTS exam. Mirbabayeva (2020) states that primary research methods guarantee that the information collected is relevant and up-to-date, thus enabling accurate trends to be researched.

Data collection procedures

The study will send questionnaire to 21 trained and experienced students who will be thoroughly briefed on the role of the study. This method is used because questionnaire have lower cognitive load on the respondent and are easier for the researcher to code and analyze.


Receptive Vocabulary Breadth Tools. The vocabulary breadth is the number of words an individual knows, while vocabulary depth is how well a person knows these words. According to Cervatiuc (2007), receptive vocabulary breadth tools are an effective tool for assessing second language vocabulary knowledge. The test often takes the mode of Yes/No test. Therefore, participants will be required to tick the words known to them and demonstrate their forms. The tool will be vital in establishing performance, (knowledge of vocabulary) after various time of preparation.

3. Please list the modules you have studied which relate most closely to your proposed dissertation topic.

Kindly, try to fill modules relevant to the research

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Cervatiuc, A., 2007, January. Assessing second language vocabulary knowledge. In International Forum of Teaching and Studies (Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 40-47). American Scholars Press, Inc..

Fernandez, C.J., 2018. Behind a spoken performance: test takers’ strategic reactions in a simulated part 3 of the IELTS speaking test. Language Testing in Asia, 8(1), pp.1-20.

Karim, S. and Haq, N., 2014. An Assessment of IELTS Speaking Test. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 3(3), pp.152-157.

Li, J., 2019. An Evaluation of IELTS Speaking Test. Open Access Library Journal, 6(12), pp.1-17.

Mirbabayeva, S., 2020. Innovative Approaches to English Teaching of Pre-School and Primary School Learners. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, (3).

Wigglesworth, G. and Elder, C., 2010. An investigation of the effectiveness and validity of planning time in speaking test tasks. Language Assessment Quarterly, 7(1), pp.1-24.

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