Research Paper Examples

A Comparative Analysis Of The Structure And Formation Of Languages Kurdish And English

  • Course Code: SPW24905
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 7
  • Published On: 06-07-2024

Language represents a very significant development in the human history and one that has catapulted the human race to continued development over the years.

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Critical Analysis of Atwal et al.'s Study on Older Adults in Acute Care

  • Course Code: SPW24198
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 13-06-2024

Denscombe (2010) argues that a suboptimal reporting of both qualitative and quantitative studies inhibits readers from judging the validity and reliability of the study findings, or just extracting information from the study itself.

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Comparative Analysis of Legal Responses to Corporate Bribery

  • Course Code: SPW25098
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 05
  • Published On: 05-06-2024

White collar crime was defined famously by sociologist Edwin Sutherland as the “crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.” While the scope of white collar crimes is vast, this research is limited only to bribery. Bribery as a white collar crime will be considered in the context of corporate bribery in order to delimit the area of research further and focus on a specific area of white collar crime and how legal responses are structured in two different jurisdictions.

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Asylum seekers and Refugees suffering domestic abuse: Exploration of the issues

  • Course Code: SPW23498
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 22-05-2024

The primary purpose of the corresponding research proposal would be to explore and determine the unique risk factors concerning the prospect of asylum seeking and refugee women who have to encounter domestic abuse either prior to, during or after their migration.

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A Comprehensive Critique of the Research Paper

  • Course Code: SPW29125
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 10-11-2023

A critique of a research paper is the systematic evaluation of the paper in terms of analysing the validity, applicability and truthfulness of the piece of research presented in that research paper and its findings. This study will make a critique of the primary research article "older patients experiences and perceptions of having their wounds treated with medical-grade honey", by using Caldwell et al. (2005) critiquing tool to present a critique of this article.

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Importance of Research Ethics

  • Course Code: SPW25760
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 03
  • Published On: 13-3-2024

Research ethics refer to standards of behaviour that guide moral choices about a researcher’s behaviour and relationship with others (Thornhill et al. 2009). Research ethics relate to how researchers clarify research topic, formulate research questions, design the research, gain access, collect data, store and process the data, and present the findings

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Cybersecurity in Contemporary Online Operations

  • Course Code: SPW22362
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 10-8-2024

In the contemporary society, many activities are carried out online due to the convenience created. While this has greatly reduced the cost of operations for many companies and increased their reach of clients, it has created a great threat in the form of hacking. Many companies have been exposed to hacking and this has created a lot of losses for the company. Additionally, there is a lot of money lost worldwide due to the unauthorized access to company records and bank accounts. Hackers are usually knowledgeable and use their skills to manipulate people by exposing them to the internet or by syphoning funds from their accounts.

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Christian Leadership in Diverse Societies

  • Course Code: SPW22449
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 06
  • Published On: 11-8-2024

In contemporary society, increased diversity has been experienced as people find it easier to move from one place to another. The result has been increased diversity across the world, something that increases cohesion among people who share the same values but can easily result in conflicts for those people with different values and beliefs.

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Customer Relationship Management Overview

  • Course Code: SPW23879
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 27-8-2024

Customer relationship management is a specific approach of all the multinational corporate firms to manage a company’s interaction with current and potential customers in the market. Through providing efficient customer services, it is possible to manage the customer’s relationship through creating trust and loyalty among the customers. In the recent era of globalisation, all the firms are focusing on customer care service to satisfy the customers and manage them proficiently for meeting the customer’s expectations successfully in near future

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Preserving Heritage in Conflict Zones

  • Course Code: SPW25617
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 9
  • Published On: 13-9-2024

Archaeological remains in war-tone and conflict zones are always under threat despite being valuable non-renewable resources that present traces of a community’s past (Demoule, 2012). Furthermore, according to Braae (2015), archaeology as a discipline is a form of intervention as well as destruction because, after any excavation made by geo-archaeologists, the process is irreversible.

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Diversity and Equality in UK Workplaces

  • Course Code: SPW25725
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 19
  • Published On: 13-9-2024

In England, organizations are legitimately required to pursue that dispose of segregation and guarantee that laborers can anticipate reasonable and equivalent treatment at work. All specialists must be dealt with similarly and given similar open doors paying little heed to their race, age, sex, sexuality, inability, culture or some other trademark that may be oppressed.

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Understanding Human Tissue Properties

  • Course Code: SPW25765
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 14-9-2024

The phantoms replicate the human tissues and this replication process is often very useful and practical because the characteristics of phantoms are same as the human tissues (3). The use of the phantoms can be in several biomedical research applications, which includes cancer related photothermal therapy.

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Tax Avoidance Among Global Corporations

  • Course Code: SPW29061
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 54
  • Published On: 2-10-2024

This study investigates the issue of tax avoidance amongst global companies in the UK and explores measures being taken by the UK government to oppose this problem. There is no doubt that there have been numerous scandals around tax avoidance in the UK from transnational companies such as Google, Starbucks, Amazon and many others (Jenkins and Newell, 2013). This phenomenon couldhave significant economic impact in the UK if not tackled properly.

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A research paper is drafted to articulate information about the particular topic elaborately. This is to be done during the optimization of the higher studies like master’s or PhD studies and is essential to file one as it helps the students in covering the specific area that helps them in learning about the field more specifically. It has been now mandatory to file the written Word document because it carries a major portion of marks in students’ academic reports, but the process of structuring the research paper is very lengthy and takes around multiple days for one to file it down as it needs to cover many areas and sections to craft a good research paper.

Doing it all alone is not easy as it requires immense time and effort and for this reason, the students look for helping hands that can help them throughout the written works with consistency and proper layering. As we can see numerous service dealers in the market supply the same time of service be it through the medium of online or offline, but to look for the right one is the main task. It is vital to opt for the right helping hand because it will outsource the right information with the adherence that the written word document will not pass on any false data or plagiarism content because of which the student’s academic result is hampered.

The dissertation proposal help team sanctioned by the Home of Dissertations platform is a full-on helping hand as it navigates the students on how to design the assignment essay along with explaining its purpose, use, and why it is presented. The importance of an assignment essay is a must and should be written down for a better understanding and learning. The level of the academic study course is increasing day by day and to deal with both the study pattern and the written works altogether is not easy and requires a good time. For this reason, the acceptance of this type of service departments are joined.

Here, the writers of the platform are highly knowledgeable and can cover the area to the fullest without facing any interventions. The assistants must be experts in their specialized field because their fermented assignment essay will directly face the academic protocols so it must be layered down with proper formation and instructions, and to deal with this the professionals have sanctioned various research paper examples so that it is easy for the students to figure it how their written will be carried. The samples uploaded show the steps and all areas it undertakes to draft a good assignment document.

The research paper topics should be eye-catching when articulating because it is the main center of attraction where the readers pay attention. The entire content is based on that specific title head so it must be drafted properly whereby looking for the positive reviews and whether the opted title applies to today’s date or vice versa. Dig deeper into Sociology Research Proposal Example with our selection of articles.

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Research Proposal Samples