Reflective practice portfolio

  • 20 Pages
  • Published On: 13-11-2023


Reflection on learning styles

It is important to reflect on own learning style in order to manage the learning and activities as well as improve self-learning tactics in the coursework to explore new information and theories related to the subject matter (Christ, Arya and Chiu, 2017). I always try to choose effective learning style in order to explore new information and develop reflective learning practice successfully. As per the learning styles, there are diverse learning styles which are visual, auditory, physical, verbal as well as logical, social and solitary. These are the major learning styles, through which it is possible for the learners to develop good understanding. As a teaching professional staff, it is important to enhance the quality of childhood learning, where the teachers are able to develop suitable curriculum for enhancing the learning and developmental sessions for the benefits of the children (Nolan and Molla, 2017). This approach is essential in providing education dissertation help, as it ensures that teaching strategies are effectively aligned with students' learning preferences and needs. It is also the role of the teachers to develop a good systematic way for learning activities. In this regard visual learning activities are important for enhancing childhood learning, where the graphic representation is fruitful for the participants to learn new things and explore more information through the visual representation. I can memorise the visual activities that they see on the books. The visual learning activities are beneficial for both the learners and teachers, as the teachers can explain the subject matter through visual interpretation as well as the students also can understand the topic easily through graphs, diagrams etc. Hence, the visual representation is one of the best learning styles that I have adopted for enhancing child learning and activities. On the other hand, auditory learning is also fruitful, where the children can memorise the information that they hear and it also raise concentration among the child and enhance communication. The lectures music and conversation are effective for the auditory learning style that is effective for the children to learn and explore new things. VARK learning process refers visual, audio, read or write and kinaesthetic learning styles are effective for me to gather vast range of information and improve my skill and abilities. In this regard, I have adopted the visual and sensory ethnography and Hurdleys notion of auto photography that have informed diverse information through developing text and photographs, where the objects are important to describe the stories. It is also known as memory work, where the learner can memorise the autography and objects for better learning activities. I also focus on authoethnography where I focus on self-narrative practice for identifying the social context and develop narrative piece in order to improve own learning understanding. Through memorising the information and subject matter, I also try to develop good piece of learning through arranging the objects, photography and content which are the basic learning style that I have adopted for better learning and development. The instructions and content are related to the objects and photography and it is beneficial for further learning activities. Hereby, the learning style and the activities are effective for children to enhance their learning and developmental phase.


I also try to focus on storey telling activities, which is also considered as an effective way of learning. The people prefer to learn more through storey telling activities, as it is effective to share the information through a storey. Storytelling refers for sharing and interpreting the experience and it is considered as teaching ethics, values and cultural norms and differences, the learning activities are important to be developed efficiently to increase the interest of the children and enhance their participation in the classroom. Storytelling activities are hereby effective for the childhood education where I try to share different storey and develop storey board for the others., in this regard, storyboard is an effective way to share critical information and complex knowledge among the children, where it becomes easier for the students to grab the new information and understand it easily. Hence, object creation, photography and storey telling activities are the major learning style that I have adopted to maximise childhood education and learning. As per the questionnaire, I also ask to share their stories and understanding which are also beneficial for the children to enhance their skill and knowledge and access diverse information through increasing communication. Hence, the questionnaire and the learning styles are hereby beneficial for enhancing teaching and learning activities which further helps to ensure quality education, ethics and values.

Reflect on the process of Observations

Observation is the process of monitoring something and analyse its progress and in the teaching and learning activities, the observation process is important for observing the students efficiently and enhance the practice of learning and activities (Couper, 2017). Classroom observation describes the practice of sitting in on another teacher’s class to observe, learn and reflect. Various aspects such as routines, use of time, schedule, participation, teaching strategies, management strategies and learner interest are important for observing the students and reviewing the learning process. In this regard, participant observation is one of the effective ways to observe each student and identify their skill and abilities in the classroom sessions. In order to observe the students efficiently, I try to develop questionnaire, where I focus on developing interactive session, where the children can share their views and answer the questions efficiently. This is considered as the best observation technique in child learning and education, where it provides a scope to ensure participants observation through which it is possible for the teaching professional to interact with the student and share the learning activities.

Face to face interaction can be possible through participant’s observation, where through communication and interaction, I try to interact with each learner and evaluate their skill and abilities. Continuous monitoring process and supervisions of each child during the learning and educational activities is also effective for observing them closely and analyse their participation in the educational process. As per the learning style, I prefer storey telling, storyboard and object and photography development so that the children can understand the learning activities and their participation can be maximised in long run. Hereby, it is possible for me to interact with the children through storey telling activities and it further provides me a scope to communicate with the children and observe their skill set and personal abilities in the classroom session. Hence, observation is playing an important role in the child education, learning for continuous motivation and increasing their interest to participate in the learning and developmental programs.

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On the other hand, there is other observation technique that I have selected during the child learning activities and the observation techniques are question answer through developing questionnaire and increasing student participation, self-learning and reflective practice. These are effective or observing child progress on learning and education. I try to develop a set of questionnaire, where the learners need to participant and share their feedback through answers. This helps me to identify the student abilities and observe the progress among the children. I also try to encourage the students for participating in the questionnaire survey so that I can review child progress and their skill set and knowledge. Hence, the observation and activities are beneficial for me to develop good understanding about student learning activities and success rate among the students to achieve the academic career objectives. In this regard, it is necessary to develop the observation technique, through strict guidelines and policy framework. There is equality and diversity that must be managed in the classroom, so that each learner can get equal chance to participate in the learning session and perform efficiently with their skill set and knowledge. On the other hand, for managing the quality standard of learning and education, it is necessary to ensure health and safety measures for the participants as well as enhance transparency and accountability for managing the learners efficiently.

On the other hand, arranging examination would be the better option for successful observation, where the children can participate in the exams and perform better. This is one of the effective ways to observe the student progress in learning and educational activities. Hence, the observational activities in student learning and education must be developed efficiently so that it would be possible to observe each participate and evaluate their skill set and knowledge successfully. Apart from that, direct classroom observation is also mandatory for understanding the children, where the teaching professionals is able to understand the concentration of the children, interacting the learning activities and identify their abilities in performing in the learning activities. Hence, observation provides a scope to the teaching professional to evaluate the skill set and performance of the children and it further helps to enhance their performance through cooperative and inclusive learning sessions. The practice of equal participation, enhancing communication and managing children with care and safety are effective for observing each child in the educational institution and enhance their abilities through mental development and learning. VARK learning style along with the questionnaire survey practice is effective for observing the participants and evaluating their skill set and knowledge.

Reflect on the process of completing Activity Plans

For the action plan, firstly, there are learning activities through identifying the pictures, which is effective to support the children. There are picture books and informative picture books, which are effective for the children to explore new information and pictures for brain development and knowledge enhancement. I also try to develop the drawing sessions, where the children are encouraged to draw as per their thinking and it improves their abilities to draw. The writing and note talking activities are also there which provides a scope to improve their hand writing in the classroom. The other strategies are arranging sports and maths competition, where they get prize and encouraged to participate efficiently. There are play and learn sessions, where they are motivated to play in the premises of the school. The outdoor games are hereby effective for improving their physical activities and enhance childhood learning process. The indoor learning process is also effective to ensure childhood early learning activities, where I try to improve their participation, develop language and continuously motivate them. In order to develop classroom environment, I focus on managing health and safety of the children by continuous monitoring and supervisions as well as there are continuous cooperation and communication, for which it would be possible to improve their interactive skill. I also try to develop debate and quiz contest in the classroom, which are beneficial to share knowledge and gather a vast range of knowledge through enhancing communication and cooperation among the children. These activities are effective to ensure child development and enhance the quality of early childhood learning. On the other hand, for developing good learning development, each student is treated equally and they are supervised through continuous interaction so that one to one communication can be developed. Moreover, there is transparency and each child is encouraged to show their creativity, share their activities, tell story as per their thoughts. It further develops their social skill; improve personality and confidence to perform in front of others.

The process of completing Activity Plans is important to be developed efficiently in order to fulfil the academic career plan and maximise objectives in professional career by designing planning for the children in early year’s education. It is important to develop activity plan in order to maintain time schedule and fulfil each task within the pre-specified time for supporting the children in brain development. As per the personal SWOT analysis, the personal strengths are punctuality, regular work done, patience, being positive, interaction and be determined. These are the major strengths of mine, through which I try to develop the activity plan and complete it successfully within the specified period of time. In this regard, punctuality helps me to fulfil each task within effective time which is beneficial to support the children in learning activities. In addition to this, maintaining punctuality is also helpful for me to work efficiently with the children and follow the time schedule strictly. On the other hand, patience level and self-motivated practice further provide me a scope to follow the activity plan and develop strong time table that I can follow for guiding the children with effective indoor and outdoor activities. I try to follow the EYFS development matters 2012 and ELGs and be patient for conducting each task on a daily basis to guide the children with curriculum activities. Positive personality and emotional intelligence are hereby beneficial for me to progress in my career and work with children for enhancing learning and educational activities. The activity planning is hereby advantageous for me to improve child early learning activities and maximise my capabilities to fulfil the career objectives. Regular work done is also another major strength, where I try to work on a daily basis and avoid pending the working activities each day. This further helps me to manage my tasks each day and complete it on a daily basis. Hence, I try to utilise my strengths for developing the activity planning and conducting the working activities efficiently to enhance the learning and educational activities.

Reflect on the process of participation through an online discussion and the use of the VLE

An article of Cathy Nut-brown ‘’A box of childhood’’ refers to discussion of the self-reflective qualitative research design that is important for education and also represent the childhood enquiry successfully. Small secret stuff of the childhood plays an important role for critical understanding, memorising the childhood activities and experimenting the data and information that have remarkable effects on life (Couper, 2017). It is helpful for increasing memory about the childhood stuff as well as review the life long experience for further development of knowledge and skill set. Through auto ethnographic enquiry, I try hard to review my childhood stuff and develop short stories about the childhood experience. These are beneficial for lifelong experience and describing the story in visual or sensory ethnographic process which gives life to the accounts before resenting the stories themselves.

It is hereby helpful to argue the usefulness of flexibility and auto ethnography in the early childhood education research. Reflective enquiry from the early childhood education community is hereby providing a scope to the individual to review own experience and knowledge as well as develop the capability to perform and improve social skill for achieving the future career growth. Self-boxes and collage pictures are beneficial for me to arrange my memories in childhood as well as store the information and important activities efficiently which are crucial for me in learning and development. As per the example, my first thought is to create boxes with different thoughts and activities in childhood, for example, music and piano, having puppies, the big book, button collection, skipping rope and bible stories as school prizes. These are the good memories that I want to hold for lifelong. Hence, the boxes are helpful to visualize and read the information so that I can memorise the information and experience in childhood. This is helpful to share the brain and improve memory of the individual.

In the learning and development program, the process of participation in the online discussion is important where it is also possible to utilise the VLE or virtual learning environment for skill enhancement practice. Embedded the online discussion into the curse design provides a scope to participate in the online activities and improve communication for better performance. In this regard I mainly focus on VARK learning style as well as per the view of Cathy Nut-brown ‘’A box of childhood’’, it is possible to memorise the learning activities and experience in childhood which further help to increase communication. I try to participate in the online discussion session and utilising my strengths of positive behaviour and punctuality which further provides me a scope to respond through online discussion and utilising the VLE in learning and development. Sharing feedback with each other and gaining in-depth knowledge are effective through the VLE where online discussion gives me the opportunity to perform better and respond to others activities so that I can get better insights on the subject matter of interest. This is also beneficial for childhood education and activities, where it is possible to utilise the boxes and photo collage in childhood, to memorise the activities and experience as well as share the information through self-reflective practice. Hereby, discussion and continuous communication through online sessions are helpful for me to participate and enhance my performance in long run.

Adjusting the discussion board, providing feedback and coaching, tracking the participants as well as offering groups and discussion board alternatives so that it would be possible to continue the discussion and share deep insights on subject matters. As per the teaching professionals of childhood education, I try to utilise the visual or sensory ethnographic process for memorizing my childhood learning activities so that it would be possible for me to review the learning and developmental activities and guide the students with efficient practices. Therefore, the childhood activities and auto-ethnography is effective for me to perform better and share my knowledge and skill set for better childhood learning and education. Hence, the online discussion board and utilising the VLE are helpful for enhancing own skill and abilities for maximising childhood learning activities. It is important to participate in each online discussion for better understanding and developing good discussion for enhancing the quality of childhood learning and educational program.

Process and purpose of using creative forms supporting future plans

Creative reflective practice and self-reflection are important for reviewing own childhood memory and improve own understanding and knowledge. Auto-ethnography is the practice of asking something, answering briefly and writing story and method that connect to the autobiographical and personal to the cultural, social political (Luff, 2018). Biographical method is hereby effective for reflective practice and it provide me a scope to review my own thoughts and recall my experience for developing good learning activities for the children. Self-reflection is hereby beneficial for me to arrange the educational program and review my own experience and skill set to teach other students. Hence, the process of self-reflective practice is beneficial for me to develop my future career and fulfil objectives. It is hereby beneficial to develop the process to create boxes and collage diagrams which are visual representation for future learning and development.

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The major purpose of choosing this strategy is to improve own learning activity, to maximise learning and developmental activities and memorise the knowledge and skill set during the childhood (Hedges and Cooper, 2018). Memory plays an important role to manage the learning and developmental activities and as a teaching professional of the childhood education, it is the role of the teachers to develop good curriculum program, for the benefits of the children. In this regard, the process of developing different boxes with important activities in childhood as well as collage diagrams are effective to give explanation to the children and help them to understand in a very simple way through graphs, charts and diagrams. Another purpose of developing childhood box and diagrams is to raise interest in learning among the children so that they can concentrate on the learning and developmental activities where the child is getting attracted with the visual representation of the knowledge and information. I also focus on VARK learning style and in this regard keeping the childhood box and memorising the activities are effective for the learning and educational developmental activities among the children.

The process of developing creative learning style will provide a scope to me to reflect upon my own learning and educational developmental programs as well as develop more future plans for further improvement. The activities of childhood box help me to strengthen my memory and develop story telling activities which is effective for childhood learning. As a teaching professional I would be looking forward to develop suitable learning and developmental program that must be creative and innovative and attract the children for learning and skill enhancement. The story line and storey board management through the childhood boxes and pictures of the activities are beneficial to create good future plans and raise interest among the children to develop social and inter personal skill set to communicate and interact with others, understand other values and beliefs and improve their behaviour. Hence, for further future planning, it is essential for the teaching professionals to develop good curriculum and learning program that attract the students and raise their concentration to participate actively in the training and learning programs (Edwards, 2017). The students in the recent years are interested with interactive and inclusive learning programs, and in this regard the Auto-ethnography is the practice where interactive learning can be development. Auto-ethnography process provides a scope to ask questions and interact with each other through question and answer. This is hereby beneficial for the students to share their activities and interact with others successfully. Hence, the interactive learning and inclusive learning program can be developed through this childhood learning, maintaining box and pictures as well as storey telling activities.

I also prefer to VARK learning activities and as per my result, I mainly focus on visual representation for learning and development. The teaching professional try hard to support and guide the children in order to maintain the educational quality standard as well as improve their skill set and learning. For example, I have followed the UKELELE story and put the figures efficiently to memorise my childhood activities and the story. In early childhood education, I also try to visualize the information and pictures for improve my skill and knowledge and performing better. Reflective practice through the Auto-ethnography process is also helpful to maintain the childhood boxes and pictures and ask several questions to myself for better understanding and practice and it further provides me a scope to develop good childhood learning and educational activities for supporting the learners efficiently. Hence, the purpose of main training childhood box and pictures is to maximise own learning activities and also support the child for better understanding and grabbing new information and improve their knowledge in future. The learning styles and the childhood boxes are hereby beneficial for developing my future plans in teaching and learning to enhance the childhood educational standard with interactive and inclusive learning activities by ensuring storey telling, reviewing the childhood boxes and visual pictures for information gathering and improving skill and knowledge.

Reflections on aspect in the academic careers of being a child and with professional life

Reflection with children

Working with the children is a great opportunity for me to manage my own learning and activities and develop good curriculum learning planning for the children in the schools. As teaching professionals, I try to strengthen my knowledge and expertise to guide and support the children. Cooperation and communication with the children is beneficial for me to interact with them and develop interactive learning for further learning session. The children also become interested and they are attracted to the pictures and childhood boxes. It is hereby possible for me to maintain my childhood box and pictures for encouraging the children and enhances educational programs among them. Teaching the children and maintaining good educational standard are the critical tasks where I try to be patient and guide the students with adequate knowledge and skill set. In this regard, the VARK learning style is helpful for me to improve my knowledge and skill set, where I prefer to visual and audio learning activities so that I can memorise the pictures and gather vast knowledge successfully. I always prefer to develop curriculum activities for the children by audio visual session, as it attracts the children and raise interest among them to participate in the learning and concentrate on the visual and audio representation for skill enhancement. Hence, the learning style and the curriculum activities are beneficial for me to support the children and enhance educational activities. I also try hard to interact with the children, to manage them and create good bonding with them so that they can trust me and cooperate with me for better learning environment. Hence, my learning and teaching style are advantageous for enhancing childhood education. In addition to this, I also prefer to the practice of storey telling, where I encourage the child to tell storey on a specific topic or reflect on own experience. This is another important way to interact with the children and improve their thinking process and communication skill, where they try to visualize their activities in brain and tell the story through open communication and representing their thoughts. Additionally, the question answer round at the educational institution also provides me a scope to encourage the students to take active part in the questionnaire activities so that they can answer and perform better through inclusive learning style.

Reflection on working life

Reflection career is important to me to reflect my own skill and abilities and perform better for achieving the future professional career objective. I focus on working efficiently by utilising my own skill and knowledge as well as use my academic knowledge for working efficiently as per my job role and responsibilities in the workplace. I am guided and supported by the managers in the origination to work proficiently and improve my productivity. In this regard, my strengths of punctuality, being patient, be positive and determined are helpful for me to work with seriousness and complete the task within the allocated period of time. I am punctual to the workplace and work timely so that there would be no such pending jobs. It further improves my performance and also gives me the chance to complete the work efficiently within pre-specified time. Additionally, interactive skill and cooperation skill are also helpful, where I always try to develop open communication with others in the workplace, so that I can share my opinion and also gain knowledge and understanding from other team members. This is helpful for developing good team work in the workplace and I am trying to develop good bonding and respect others so that I can cooperate with them and work as a team.

Regular performance, working with others and good communication skill are hereby beneficial for me to work as per my job role and responsibility. On the other hand, I try to enhance personal and professional development, where I focus on visual and audio learning activities. In the recent era of digitalisation and technological advancement, the organisational leader and managers provide technical training and also provide audio visual presentation files for learning and development. This further provides me a scope to learn more and improve my critical analysis and decision making skill set to work in the company successfully. I try to utilise graphs, charts, diagrams as well as audio clips for improving my learning and grabbing new skill and knowledge for performance maximisation. Hence, the professional development is possible through learning and developmental activities, where I try to access all the organisational resources and materials to improve my knowledge as well as participate actively in the training and developmental program, so that I can maximise my skill to perform productively. Workplace activities, working with others and gaining experience are also beneficial for me to improve my performance in long run where I try to learn from my mistakes and develop my expertise for maximising the organisational goals.

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Reflective account

Learning and development is playing an important role to manage open skill and knowledge and provides a scope to achieve the academic and professional career objectives. Reflective practice is hereby one of the effective way to review on skill and abilities and share experience during workplace activities, so that it is possible to demonstrate own knowledge and develop further planning for improving own capabilities to maximise performance and productivity in long run (Zelazo et al., 2018). There are different reflection model through which it is possible for the individuals to reflect upon own learning and experience successfully. The Gibbs Reflective model and Kolb’s reflective models are beneficial to follow suitable steps and reflect on own understanding and experience for further skill enhance, net. During the academic and professional career, reflective practice is important for the individual to learn more and increase strengths of the learner in long run so that it would be possible for the individuals to fulfil the career gaols and achieve academic success. In this particular reflective practice, the models of Gibb and Kolb will be utilised for sharing experience and reflect on own understanding and learning.

Gibbs reflective model

Gibbs reflective model is effective for reflective practice where there are six stages, such as description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, and conclusion and action plan (Best and MacGregor, 2017). Through these stages, it is possible for the individuals to reflect on own experience and share the activities in academic and professional career for further skill enhancement. Through the different stages, it is possible to develop own effective practice.

Figure 1: Gibbs reflective model
Sims, Waniganayake and Hadley, 2018


Description is related to sharing the institution of academic and working practice (Yuan and Mak, 2018). I focus on childhood box and maintaining the Auto ethnography learning process through question answer activities. I try to enhance the environment of teaching and learning through visual representation of the information as well as question answer activities, where the children can participate efficiently and it is also possible for me to raise their interest to perform better. On the other hand, in the professional field I try to share information and knowledge with colleagues in the workplace so that information exchange can be ensured and put further provides me a scope to manage my activities and improve my abilities to learning and achieving professional career goal.


Sharing own thinking and feeling is the second stage as per the model for critical reflection (Harfitt and Chow, 2018). I think that childhood memory is important for making future plans and in this regard I utilise childhood box and the collage pictures that I have done in order to memorise the childhood activities and improve my knowledge to teach the students in the educational institution., I also follow the VARK learning style which is crucial for enhancing the quality of childhood education. I also try hard to improve my professional skill set to work actively and increase my participation in the organisational activities. In this regard I refer to participate in the training and developmental programs of the organisations for enhancing my skill set and abilities to achieve the future career objectives.


The learning style and teaching activities are beneficial for me to enhance childhood education where I try to encourage the children for gaining knowledge and improving their skill set through visual and audio learning activities. On the other hand, the weaknesses are lack of communication, poor time management and stress, and these must be tackled through improving my personality and professional skill set.


For making the situation effective for further development in both academic and professional career, I try hard on improving my professional skill set to maintain the standard of the childhood education and also follow the organisational activities to work productively. I mainly focus on the childhood education as a teaching professional and I would like to develop good curriculum for the children through Auto ethnography process, interactive learning sessions and storey telling activities, so that the children become interested and take active participation in the learning and developmental activities.


It is hereby necessary for me to utilise my childhood box and collage pictures for memorizing the knowledge and skill set as well as contribute efficiently in maximising the quality of childhood learning. In the professional field, it is also necessary for me to enhance my communication and other professional skill, set to work with others and fulfil my job responsibility.

Action plan

For further achievements, I would like to improve my communication skill and also increase my efficacy to work reductively within allocated time so that I can work hard and achieve my career objective. I would also like to develop visual learning and interactive training programs for enhancing learning and skill developmental activities in near future.

Kolb’s reflective model

Kolb’s reflective model is another reflective practice model, which includes four stages through which the learner or the individuals can develop good reflective practice through reflecting own performance and abilities (Kim, Raza and Seidman, 2019). The four stages as per the Kolb’s reflective model are such as concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. It is possible for the individuals to follow the steps and share the performance and abilities so that it would be possible to ensure personal and professional development in future.

 Kolb’s reflective model

Concrete experience

Concrete experience refers to sharing the experience in the academic and professional career (Sellars, 2017). In this particular study, there is good reflection on the learning style and working as a teaching professional in childhood education. I try to start my career as a teaching professional in the childhood education, where I give my hundred recent in order to guide and support the children or education and skill enhancement. As per my experience, there is good environment of teaching and learning, where I try to interact with the children and develop good bonding with them. In my childhood, I try to create box and draw pictures for making collage pictures, as I refer to video and audio learning style. This is beneficial for me to review and recall my memory thought the childhood boxes. Hence, I try to utilise my childhood memory and the knowledge that I have gained through visual expression and audio activities. I also prefer to learn through developing audio visual programs as well as reading and writing practice. In the teaching professional, I also follow this VARK learning style and provide audio visual sessions to the students, so that they can grab new knowledge and explore more information as per their thinking process and creativity. Hence, I have experience of managing the children through audio visual activities and developing good curriculum planning to guide and support the students. In my professional career, I also utilise my strengths of punctuality, patience, interaction and determination to work with others and achieve the future success.

Reflective observation

Reflecting on the observation provide a scope to evaluate in depth understanding about academic and professional career (Farrell, 2019). As per my experience, I also try to guide the children with interactive session. As my communication skill is good and I am efficient in storey telling activities, I try to encourage the children to tell story as per their thinking process so that they can represent the information and share their one experience through a simple storey. These activities improve my performance as a teaching professional and also help me to encourage the children for taking active participation in the classroom activities. On the other hand, I have also gained experience in the professional world, by working with other team members under effective supervision and control of the managers.

Abstract conceptualization

Abstract conceptualisation refers to concluding the learning and experience during the working activities as a teacher and as a professional employee in the organisation (Walshe and Driver, 2019). I always try to utilise my strengths for working efficiently by utilising my own skill set and abilities, where I prefer to have audio visual learning session seen in the academic career as well as the professional training program, as the visual representation is beneficial for gathering the information and memorizing the knowledge efficiently in future.

Active experimentation

I would like to ensure personal and professional development through develop audio visual learning program where I will develop the representation for supporting the childhood education, where the children can review the presentations and learn through visual and audio activities. This is effective for me to improve my teaching style innovatively as well as it also helps me in my professional career to achieve future success.

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Reference List

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