Global Workforce: Planning, Forecasting, and the Crucial Role

  • 15 Pages
  • Published On: 1-12-2023

The world is changing at a fast pace and with that the procedures of working are transforming drastically. The report would bring forth the planning and forecasting the global force worldwide. There have been new challenges that the organizations face globally and they overcome it with new ideas, innovations and techniques. The role of IHRM is very crucial in the proper execution of business strategies and the review would vividly show the importance of them in the organization ‘Crown Resort, Australia that has been taken as an example. So, if you are seeking HRM dissertation help, evaluating such cases could provide the most valuable insights.

Global force is reflected in the development of the economic condition of the countries with the new techniques of work adopted by the IHRM in functioning and improving (Crown Resort.2020b). The ways they initiate staff retention and motivate them is described in detail. As the organization takes the initiative to enhance their business worldwide the HR of the foundation executes the plan to make it possible.


The analysis on the work plans of the IHRM focuses on a few key concerns of the workforce planning problems and challenges faced by it on the global workforce. Equating the whole planning and getting it properly executed to minimize the risks of challenges are discussed elaborately.

Challenges of planning and forecasting global workforceWhatsapp

The world is a place of continuous ongoing changes. The productivity and profitability of a business is moving from economically developed to an economically developing country with rapid growth in business (García-Muiña et al. 2018). Human resource department is engaged in planning for a global workforce to expand the industry into this high growth market.

It has become essential for hospitality industries to recognize and emphasize on the implication of global situation in which the industries operate and respond to meet the challenges.

This can be overcome by grading the quality and quantity of man force through proper training and development and by adopting a proper employees initiative in motivation and participation (Soh & Connolly (2020), stated that the world is facing everlasting challenges of planning and forecasting global workforce like environmental concern, population is growing at an alarming rate, violation of human rights, dwelling, national security that evade many countries.

Forecasting: It is the key element of workforce planning and it works on basic two elements- supply of employees and demand for employees.

  • The supply of employees: The total population of the country determines the available workforce for employment. Whereas, people looking for a job depend on the statistics that include age, location, gender and environment (Kandogan, 2018). Educational system, employee tenure, salary structure and other benefits of a country give a fair idea to the human resource (HR) team about the skill and knowledge of the workforce.
  • The demand for employees: Employees are the key factors for every organization. Crown resorts are one of the leading entertainment and hotel industries in Australia. There are many branches around the country and a continuous need for employees comes from all those branches. The demand of employees is likely to be predicted based on the information from the branches related to the performance appraisal of the staff, need of proper training to the workforce for skill development and productive outcome, career planning and level of staff turnover (Madanat & Khasawneh, 2018). Whatever may be the reason the human resource department had to intervene and find the cause of staff turnover.
  • Talent gap analysis: This helps to identify the knowledge and skill of the current employee of the organization and also evaluate whether the skill of knowledge and experience is enough to meet the company's future goal. However, skillful and talented professionals need to be substitutes for those areas having a gap of suitable talent either by relocating staff from overseas or hiring professionals with high demanding salaries (NJUGUNA, 2019). The human resource team is responsible to find out the best among the two criteria keeping in account the employers and employees benefit.

Proper strategy and planning needed to be executed to minimize the risks of challenges on global workforce or global challenges. Workforce planning on a global scale in general faces complications. In every industry there is discrimination among staffs. There are few examples of differences or discrimination among the staffs. This can be another perception where it can show some evidence on the basis of those staff affected during the working progress.

Cultural differences

The staff of an organization may come from different cultures and backgrounds. This is very common when an industry is moving or planning to move beyond the countries or operates on a global scale. However, in such circumstances some of the current staff of that organization has to work together with the people of the other country. The role of the HR department is to perceive staff or employees possess the quality of cultural sensitivity and may also be able to speak multiple languages to get coordinated easily with their team members (Madanat & Khasawneh, 2018). Nevertheless, in hospitality industries it is one of the principal factors of the staff possessing cultural sensitivity for being aware and respectful for the difference in culture.

The psychological or emotional zeal of an employee connected to relocate far and wide is also one of the cultural issues (Grant 2017). People of some countries priorities family beyond everything that means employees from those countries are less likely to move. This feature is called talent mobility which has been considered as a constraint for global challenge.

Technology and Data

Technology has a vital responsibility in business. It helps to increase productivity and efficiency and to cope up with the difficulties that arise. Data maintenance is also very important in all aspects of business. It helps to understand the flow or process of a business and can reduce loss of money and time. Nurun Nabi & Dip TM (2017), stated that employees are the key factors of any industry and the requirement of labor or staff can be obtained from the statistical data provided by an organization. Countries involved in less development of technology might have less accessibility to the demographical data. However, it is the HR department who implement a new system of planning companies' workforce or work with the earlier system to bring out the best.

2. The process of selecting an associate for a foreign assignment

For the process of selecting an associate for a foreign assignment, there have been numerous ways and steps and criteria. In other words, it has been recognized from the overall analysis that the process of selection is a confidential and involved a number of steps in following the system (Kandogan, 2018). It determines the fact that in case of any foreign assignment, it becomes quite competitive and challenging in terms of learning and detecting a particular technique that is applicable to identify how competent an associate is. In that procedure, multiple layers run throughout the process where, in global workforce hiring process, it needs to follow the below mentioned process:

Using a selection panel

This is the primary step is to have an associate in a process of knowledge enhancement tests in detailed information. Using the attempt here, it gives information about the selected associate from home and host country via HR process.

Selecting the candidates have prior experience in completing assignments

There would be the second step where recruiters has to target the country address first as well as preference of associate’s taking their detail of experience of previous assignments and then finding them confirmed for the next round.

The third step comes for assessment of associates’ language of assignment destination

Based on the characteristics, the assignees need to have effective dealings as well as communication skills with the colleagues as well as suppliers. So, this step would be applicable for this particular purpose.

Implementing intercultural Adaptability Assessment Tools

In this particular step, it will be identified and acknowledged how the associate is able to innovate and manage with variety of culture and have this sense of responsibility to share and collaborate with diverse cultures as well. For example, the characteristics will be judged on the basis of another co-partner here on the basis of finding how better one perform or able maintain this relationship.

Offering a Realistic job Assignment preview

In this step, the chosen Associate will be given a realistic preview of a job to know the positive and negative side of things here. Where he/she will find and sense about destination climate, its business practices as well as if there is any security issues are there.

Final process of Reconnaissance Trip

In the final step, the Associate is given with the offer of going in the destination and to have good idea and know and learn about the new location culture, its distinctness as well as destination offering for being indulging with the culture of the place at last.

Therefore, the following process of hiring would be measured in terms of optimizing the process selection. In fact, it would also identify and maximize the return on a wider scale after investment coming from the end of emigrants.

Characteristics to be used to ensure success:

Considering the process of selection, it can be assumed that a new Associate for Crown Resorts needs to have certain characteristics. In the largest Australian hospitality and entertainment groups contributed majorly to the economy of Australia, He/She needs to be bestowed upon Australian financial status and focus to enlarge status on a wider scale (Crown Resorts, 2020c).

According to Ongkasuwan (2017), it cannot be denied from the key fact that being Flexible would be suitable, as it would provide the feasibility to accept and travel in diverse destinations from where a person is coming. However; the next would be Adventurous and Cultural sensitivity. As per Kandogan, (2018), analyzing the gaps through forecasting needs and observation of skill tests and its score, it gives an opportunity to score high on the part of finding difference between own score and industry test score. This would guide him to modify his nature.

Associate’s Open Mindedness

This will be examined on considering the requirements and needs of the concerned area in the process workforce assignment (Espino-Rodríguez, & Ramírez-Fierro, 2018). It delineates that the workforce planning cycle has to be focused on particular ways and procedures so that throughout the job description there might not be any gaps in between employer and employee.


The curiosity can be tested in a process of implementation that needs to be standardized, maintained as well as manageable here in terms of making assurance that the assignee would get into practical tests and having live examination here (Ongkasuwan, 2017). So, an Assignee during the process of foreign assignment will be lively tested on every single moment of his/her using tactics and tools.

Monitoring & Evaluation:

Lastly, monitoring and evaluation can be done finally to the required and selected Assignee for chosen Resort, here for investigation and performance checker (Kandogan, 2018). This can also be done by using the KPI of all the singular Assignee every time once before foreign assignment.

Throughout the process, noting down the characteristics of the necessary Assignee is there, for successfully carrying out and executing the overall process of selection. However, it has been acknowledged that features would be required to manage an Associate after getting final selection. This can be applicable for ensuring success as it might not be able to do any lack or gap in between knowledge and experience.

3. Discussion on some challenges for IHRM in managing international assignees, and explain

Globalization has been changing the ways and the techniques in the business (Vahlne &Jonsson.2017). The whole scenario of the business sector has been transformed globally based on this. Global human resource management is an important factor of implementing global strategy and is increasingly being pointed as a major decisive factor of success or failure in international business. Over the last few decades a change has been noticed which is an anomalous upliftment in the sum of organizations that have internationalized their instrumentality (Ijeoma & Nzewi. 2018). The international shift of labour that has been concordant with such swelling of global business has meant that issues associated with the management of human resources across cosmopolitan borders are increasingly critical to international human resource managers and academics. The research elaborates international human resource management (IHRM) discipline and practice in Australia. It has adversely affected the total business set up of the organizations.

Accessibility to break native laws. As employment law varies from country to country it is easy to accidentally break local laws which could be reduced by gaining proper knowledge (Devault, Believer & Winterton.2017).

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Cultural inequality causes professional misunderstandings. It is a true fact that cultural inequality may cause misunderstandings and conflicts in professional ground. It could be reduced by giving equal importance to all the cultures to avoid conflicts (Scanlon.2018).

It's hard to create an international human connection. As connection globally requires many mediums and a communication gap could be dangerous for the proper functioning of the organization (Heylighen.2017).

Insufficient compensation and financial support. To make the success a big one ample flow of services and production is required to make the business get going with fluency.

According to Zhang & Peltokorpi.(2017), language barriers could be a major problem as hospitality sectors face a lot of issues regarding the language barriers as tourists and customers come from every corner of the world.

Healthcare is also an issue that could be a challenge for the IHRM sector.

IHRM strategies would be recommended to address these challenges

Majorly it is observed that the international HRM activities revolves around three crucial aspects and they are the procurement, allocation and finally the utilization.

Procurement is the point of time where the HRM finds and obtains the resources. This point of time is required for the recruitment and team formation where the HR of the company engages himself in enacting actively to form the group who would lead the company to acquire the targeted goal (Lussier & Hendon.2017).

Allocation: The allocation of the resources and the people selected in the procurement stage to yield the best work is done in this stage by allocating the exact position for each member to work efficiently. However if the allocation is not done properly then it may affect the success rate of the organization.

Utilization: the last stage is where the target is reached by providing the satisfaction to the customers by the proper utilization of the resources and acquiring the top market position (Yu , Umashankar & Rao.2016). To make the aspects work successfully the IHRM fancies on the strategies of the domiciliary HRM

The strategies that are recommended to address the challenges are listed below:

HR planning: The preliminary stage where the whole business execution is planned by the HR of the organization and the time layout to get things done in a well effective and accomplished way (Wallace &Webber.2017). The HR performs the most creative work by proper procuring and allocating resources to get the best return.

Employee hiring: The next stage comes the employee hiring where the best experienced people are recruited and allocated to perform the functions and get the things done in a well managed and proper way. The HR of the company selects the best person to make the whole execution of the procedures. Proper interview and selection of employees brings fortune for the organization.

Training and evolution: After the recruitment comes the training where the selected employees are given the best training course to accomplish the work of the various sectors in the best feasible way (Noe & Kodwani.2018) The proper training decides the way the organization would perform in the long run.

Remuneration: On the basis of the work delivered by the employees the HR very attentively sets the proper remuneration to be allocated to each employee. The main thing that is to be tracked is whether each employee is satisfied with their remuneration or not (Ogbonnaya, Daniels & Nielsen.2017). If not then an issue regarding the staff retention would occur.

Performance management: The next step involves the management of the performance of each sector of the organization. The performance management is crucial as it could detect the success of the project and decide the other changes if necessary (Cappelli & Tavis.2016). Keeping pace with the performance management helps in the growth of the business.

Industrial relations: The relationship is an important aspect as having too many competitors would pull back the organization to climb the stairs of success (Dikert, Paasivaara & Lassenius.2016). As industrial relation is crucial for the unlimited flow of production to give a smooth flow of the work. It ensures that the resources get fully utilized with the proper flow of production supplies.


The report brings into focus the working procedures of the IHRM and the challenges that it faces to execute and implement the work. It also vividly describes the procedures and the strategies that enable them to rectify the challenges and come back in the competition with a new energy and kick start. The study also brings into limelight the workings of the Crown Resort, Australia with their aim to be the number one resort and entertainment group. It upholds the issues of the global workforce.

The recommendations help to build the confidence in the working spree of the organization and make them learn from their mistakes .The characteristics that ensure success of the organization. Another point that has been discussed in the report is the effect of globalization in the business sectors. Hence it could be concluded that the IHRM plays a really vital and crucial role to make the organization acquire the number one position in the market.

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