IT Computer System Assignment Sample

Capabilities And Limitations Of Computer Based Models

  • Course Code: SPW26701
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 9
  • Published On: 11-07-2024

A solid model refers to a digital representation of the geometry of a physical object yet to be produced. Through solid modelling, the visual characteristics of an object under design can be assessed before the real object is manufactured.

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Final Year Project Research Report

  • Course Code: SPW24662
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 3
  • Published On: 02-07-2024

The purpose of this study was to carry out an in-depth investigation concerning the primary technologies that will be implemented on the project.

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Hardware Configuration for Virtual Machines

  • Course Code: SPW24570
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 01-07-2024

The Sandbox Environment was designed utilising the VMware Workstation 12 Player virtualization Software. In order to demonstrate a small-scale test environment for the project, I have configured two virtual machines.

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Machine Learning Report on Human Activity Classification

  • Course Code: SPW24070
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 05-06-2024

Predictive modeling is a concept of coming up with a model that has the ability to make predictions. The model usually includes a machine learning algorithm that is involved in learning specific properties from training data sets in order to make these predictions.

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Mobile computing and internet

  • Course Code: SPW28404
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 7
  • Published On: 31-05-2024

The health monitoring system can be implemented in the health care institutions through which it is possible to create smart home where the wearable and the IoT enable which are effective to collect information about daily activities and physiology of its inhabitants. The edge-gateway-cloud pattern can be applied in the architectural elements of the system which is effective for the organisation to develop smart home.

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Practical Assessment

  • Course Code: SPW23488
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 21-05-2024

The purpose of this report is to indicate and evaluate the issues associated with the conclusion of the Practical assessment.

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Penetration Testing: Unveiling Security Weaknesses and Mitigation Strategies

  • Course Code: SPW17782
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 06
  • Published On: 30-10-2023

Describes a penetration test or as informally known as a pen test, as a form of an attack that is purposely injected into on a computer system that essentially scans the computer system and looks for any security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to the network's features and data. The penetration test process typically identifies the target systems and a particular goal after which it reviews available information and hence undertakes various means to attain the set goal. The goals of a penetration test is said to vary depending on the type

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Laptop World Plc Case

  • Course Code: SPW29174
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 03
  • Published On: 16-11-2023

The acceptance of an offer must be effectuated by an express declaration or by conduct. Acceptance brings the conclusion of a contract. Contract formation is of two kinds: inter presents and inter absentes. The former involves instantaneous communication where parties deal face to face. In case of the latter, acceptance becomes effective the time the communication reaches the offeror or as per the postal rule when the communication of dispatched by the offeree. The current case belongs to the latter case where the communication is made inter absentes.

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A case study on WBA plc

  • Course Code: SPW29806
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 23-11-2023

Learning and development in the organisation is important part to provide the scope for personal and professional development to all the employees,

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Computer Networks Security

  • Course Code: SPW30098
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 24
  • Published On: 25-11-2023

Organization gadgets, for example, switches, firewalls, doors, switches, center points, etc.—make the foundation of the neighborhood (on the corporate scale) and the Web (on the worldwide scale).

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Role of Line Charts in Visualizing Historical Asset Data

  • Course Code: SPW30223
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 04
  • Published On: 2-12-2023

A line chart is a graphical representation of historical assets that connects the series of data points with a continuous time. For data visualisation, the line chart method is utilised widely in order to represent the data simply over the period of time.

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Machine learning

  • Course Code: SPW30425
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 15
  • Published On: 6-12-2023

Learning as a generic process is about acquiring new, or modifying existing, behaviours, values, knowledge, skills, or preferences

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WhatsApp's Privacy Dilemma: Navigating the Shift in Terms and Policies

  • Course Code: SPW30565
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 06-12-2023

A few years back WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook, as similar to that of Instagram has updated its terms and policies. Whatsapp is basically a communication messaging application one can install in their smartphones

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Enhance Security Against Escalating Threats on Web Applications

  • Course Code: SPW30767
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 13-12-2023

The threat on web applications has escalated and comprises 60% of the overall attacks on web apps, with 60% of all attacks being carried out in the web applications being the most insecure feature of the internet. (Babiker, Karaarslan, and Hoscan, 2018).

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Complexities of Cyberspace Regulation: Debating Sovereignty and Jurisdiction in a Borderless Realm

  • Course Code: SPW30986
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 05
  • Published On: 09-12-2023

Organization gadgets, for example, switches, firewalls, doors, switches, center points, etc.—make the foundation of the neighborhood (on the corporate scale) and the Web (on the worldwide scale).

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Card Skimming Detection

  • Course Code: SPW31133
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 13-12-2023

E-commerce for most organizations, corporations and government departments, it has become a vital method to improve efficiency in global business. The quick purchase with the online credit card (Scaife, Peeters and Traynor, 2018) is a big reason

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Graphical User Interface Integration for Car Company System

  • Course Code: SPW31077
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 7
  • Published On: 18-12-2023

The aim of this assignment is to add a class to the project that you developed for the first part of the coursework to make a graphical user interface

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Challenges and Interventions in Western African States

  • Course Code: SPW31379
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 05
  • Published On: 18-12-2023

The West African states have been making progress in the economic growth while prioritizing on regional cooperation and democratization. However, in the recent times it has been observed that the Western African states has been encountering an increased cases relating

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Cryptographic Methods and Vulnerabilities

  • Course Code: SPW31332
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 3
  • Published On: 22-12-2023

It requires no processing phase and constant extra space addition is done in the process of Brute force search

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Exploring Themes of Artificial Intelligence in the Film 'Artificial Intelligence

  • Course Code: SPW32002
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 04
  • Published On: 26-12-2023

Artificial Intelligence has been defined as “the implementation and study of systems that exhibit autonomous intelligence or behaviour of their own” (Chitra & Subashini, 2013, p. 220). This definition highlights the capacity of artificial intelligence systems to have

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Digital Records and Ethical Challenges in Healthcare

  • Course Code: SPW31630
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 27-12-2023

In any organization, records and information are essential resources. Every business relies on them for survival

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Theory of Planned Behavior

  • Course Code: SPW32318
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 02
  • Published On: 30-12-2023

Planned Behavior theory would be appropriate to the findings in this research paper. This is because the research needs to make the reader understand what factors motivate different individuals to conduct cybercrimes. Many researchers

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Leveraging Technology in the Tourism Industry

  • Course Code: SPW32521
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 04-1-2024

Study focuses on tourism industry with a specific organization in choice that enables people to gain a travel service in excellent way. It uses certain technologies to become successful in business. Artificial intelligence is always enhancing

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Revolutionizing Banking Operations

  • Course Code: SPW32205
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 10-01-2024

Information Technology is playing a significant role in managing the business operations creatively and this study provides a scope to explore the impacts of IT on the business operations. IT increases the productivity of a company and maximise overall performance to run

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System Design and Java EE Architecture Evaluation

  • Course Code: SPW32143
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 20
  • Published On: 11-1-2024

You should start from the system design and related implementation code you produced for TMA 02 Include your detailed class diagram at the start of your TMA

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Numeracy, Data and IT

  • Course Code: SPW32240
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 11-01-2024

The mean value is being termed as the average of certain data set. It is considered as the most common statics used to measure centre value of numerical data. The mean value is being extracted by summing all the values divided by the number of value within the certain

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Communication in Games

  • Course Code: SPW26153
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 16-1-2024

Communication in multiplayer games has been a mechanic that is incorporated by many game designers when making their online game. Being able to communicate with your teammates in online games is very important if you want to be successful

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Base Model With Sales Graph and Financial Reserves Analysis

  • Course Code: SPW26071
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 31-01-2024

In the first bit of the experiment, there was a need to add a graph of sales to the base model. This demanded running the simulation experiments while reporting on the sales as well as the financial reserves for the base cover that run for 10 years.

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A Report on How Big Data Tools Should Be Used and For

  • Course Code: SPW24341
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 15
  • Published On: 1-02-2024

Big Data refers to the application of specialized technologies and techniques to synthesize vast sets of data (Lynch, 2008). The data usually processed is too large and complex that they become cumbersome to prepare by use of typically available management tools (Wang et al., 2018). This work is a report to be presented to the University’s IT Department giving insights on how and

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Understanding the Complexities of Data Leakage in the Modern Era

  • Course Code: SPW26798
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 27
  • Published On: 2-2-2024

Data leakage has become one of the most critical issues in the digital era where there is a dominant use of the mobile and internet technologies. Data leakage is basically regarded as unauthorized transmission of data from the organization to another recipient

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Cyber Threat Analysis

  • Course Code: SPW28302
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 16-2-2024

Currently, the popularity in use of smartphones have increased and surpassing the traditional personal computers in both market share, and product sales since they are more efficient, user-friendly, portable and easy to handle.

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Network Management and Security Plan

  • Course Code: SPW28346
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 19-2-2024

Network management generally is a service that uses a number of different applications, devices, protocols and tools to aid an organization in monitoring and controlling of effective network resources, both software and hardware, meant to cater for service

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Company Specific Network Management and Security Plan

  • Course Code: SPW28322
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 21
  • Published On: 19-2-2024

In the age of technological advancement, businesses have increasingly realized that the importance of technology as an integral aspect of operations. Businesses have invested hugely in computers, one of the largest communication channels to connect to clients,

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User anonymity in wireless network

  • Course Code: SPW25504
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 29-2-2024

User privacy and user anonymity have become paramount platforms in protecting sensitive and private data in a wireless network. The research has tapped into the prior studies believed to have established approaches towards establishment of user anonymity.

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Navigating the Fashion Landscape

  • Course Code: SPW27150
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 9-3-2024

In modern world morphed by technological advancement, consume of information particularly by millennial has changed drastically. Such technologies as Augmented Reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) has induced different experience such as allowing

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Network and Cloud Security

  • Course Code: SPW25702
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 11-3-2024

Cloud computing security denotes the broad set of applications, policies, controls and technologies used in protecting the virtualized IP, services, data applications as well as any infrastructure linked to cloud computing. Apparently,

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Securing Big Data in the Cloud

  • Course Code: SPW27415
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 27
  • Published On: 18-3-2024

Global Entertainments Company has expressed the interest of moving the centralized database, RDBMS, to the Big Data in Cloud. Such a move would however attract the needful measures which would help in containing the security vulnerabilities, as well as the relevant security threats that would attack the big data environments.

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Introduction to Robotics and Autonomous Systems

  • Course Code: SPW25922
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 18-3-2024

Over the past decade, research into Autonomous Systems and robotics have picked drastically. Researchers have explored into the real meaning of robot and being autonomous as well as being extent to which a robot or a computer can be intelligent,

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Blockchain: Revolutionizing Technology and Applications

  • Course Code: SPW25261
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 7
  • Published On: 28-06-2024

Market dynamics are attracting significant changes in terms of development and use of technology. Most of the disruptive technologies have impacted money transfers, payment processes, monitor the supply chains as well as influence data sharing among other significant technologies.

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